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Enterprise risk management: Factors associated with effective implementation

Abstract and Figures

Risk management is undergoing a great change, as organizations shift from the traditional and compartmental to an enterprise wide approach. Consequently, enterprise risk management (ERM) is gaining global attention among risk management professionals and academics. The demand for the adoption of ERM has led to several companies embracing it, yet its implementation has become challenging. Research shows that ERM approach emphasizes a holistic approach for assessing and evaluating the risks that an organization faces as against the "silo" approach of the traditional methods. The extant literature shows that through the reduction of the risk that an organization faces, ERM is capable of improving the performance and value. The study used a non-experimental correlational approach to explore the relationship between the presence of a chief risk officer (CRO) and an audit committee (AC), and the support of top management (TM) in relation to the implementation of ERM. A survey instrument was provided to self-identified risk-management professionals who are members of Survey Monkey Audience Service database. The target sample frame requested for analysis using a power of .95 was (n = 119). However, the final number analyzed was (n = 134). Frequencies and percentages were conducted on the demographic survey items and regression and correlational analyses were also performed. The study findings show that there was a significant relationship between the role of a CRO, the presence of an AC, and the support of TM and the level of ERM deployment. The study also found significant correlations between management support level and CRO, and AC. In addition, a much strong positive correlation was noted between the presence of a CRO and an AC

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Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions / Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2016, Continued - 1





Godson K. Mensah*, Werner D. Gottwald**

*Alumnus, Capella University, Minnesota, the USA

** Capella University, Minnesota, the USA


Risk management is undergoing a great change, as organizations shift from the traditional and

compartmental to an enterprise wide approach. Consequently, enterprise risk management

(ERM) is gaining global attention among risk management professionals and academics. The

demand for the adoption of ERM has led to several companies embracing it, yet its

implementation has become challenging. Research shows that ERM approach emphasizes a

holistic approach for assessing and evaluating the risks that an organization faces as against the

"silo" approach of the traditional methods. The extant literature shows that through the

reduction of the risk that an organization faces, ERM is capable of improving the performance

and value. The study used a non-experimental correlational approach to explore the relationship

between the presence of a chief risk officer (CRO) and an audit committee (AC), and the support

of top management (TM) in relation to the implementation of ERM. A survey instrument was

provided to self-identified risk-management professionals who are members of Survey Monkey

Audience Service database. The target sample frame requested for analysis using a power of .95

was (n = 119). However, the final number analyzed was (n = 134). Frequencies and percentages

were conducted on the demographic survey items and regression and correlational analyses

were also performed. The study findings show that there was a significant relationship between

the role of a CRO, the presence of an AC, and the support of TM and the level of ERM

deployment. The study also found significant correlations between management support level

and CRO, and AC. In addition, a much strong positive correlation was noted between the

presence of a CRO and an AC.

Keywords: Enterprise Risk Management, Chief Risk Officer, Audit Committee, Top Management Support


The current global financial crisis has seen the

collapse of numerous international businesses due

to inadequate or inappropriate risk management

(Beasley, Branson, & Hancock, 2010; Brown, Steen, &

Foreman, 2009; Power, 2009). Many organizational

failures and financial disasters can be attributed to

poor risk management (McConnell, 2009) and

inadequate governance practices (Yeoh, 2009).

Research indicates that, the percentage of business

initiatives that are unsuccessful is remarkably high

(e.g. Cozijnsen, Vrakking, & van Ijzerloo, 2000;

Rizova, 2006; Wycoff, 2003). As a result,

organizations have focused on remediating

weaknesses in risk management systems to improve

stakeholder protections (Bates, 2010; Paape &

Speklé, 2012). Consistent with this, Berinato (2004,

p. 48) observed that "balancing risk is becoming the

only effective way to manage a corporation in a

complex world."

Robust risk management has continued to be

of great concern to practitioners, academics, and the

business community because it augments

organizational performance and creates value for

shareholders (Dabari & Saidin, 2014). Inadequate

risk management policies create adverse economic

and social consequences for stakeholders as in

Yamato Life Insurance, American International

Group (AIG), Lehman Brothers, Fannie Mae, Freddy

Mac, among others (Kerzner, 2009). Nocco and Stulz

(2006) noted that poor risk management can result

in large "dead weight" costs in organizations, which

negatively affect organizational value. By reducing

risk, a company can reduce the amount of expensive

equity capital needed to support its operating risk


Organizations are regularly confronted with

issues of risk management as strategic decisions are

made (Bromiley, McShane, Nair, & Rustambekov,

2014). Consequently, developing an institution-wide

approach to proactively dealing with and optimizing

emerging threats and opportunities cannot be over

emphasized (Samanta, 2009). Effective risk

management offers significant benefits to

organizations, their projects, and their stakeholders

(Didraga, 2013). Example effective risk management

could potentially reduce variability in earnings and

possibly minimize economic distress on an entity

(Smith & Stulz, 1985). It also ensures that potential

risks are identified, understood, and subsequently

prioritized for better decision making which

promotes the realization of strategic goals, lowers

earnings volatility and subsequently increase

Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions / Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2016, Continued - 1


profitability (COSO, 2004; Gates, Nicholas, & Walker,

2012; Lin, Wen, & Yu, 2012).

As organizations expand, one of the keys to

successful growth is steady risk management

(Walker, Shenkir, & Barton, 2002). In order to yield

benefits, risk management must be addressed and

practiced at all levels of an organization (Hillson,

2005). For organizations to survive in this turbulent

environment and gain competitive advantage, a

holistic approach to handling risk needs to be

adopted (Meagher & O'Neil, 2000; Stroh, 2005).

Consistent with this, it's argued that holistic

approach to risk management needs to be adopted

(Stoke, 2004).

In the wake of increasing expectations that

organizations employ successful risk management, a

framework for managing risk called enterprise risk

management (ERM) has been developed (Buchanan,

2004). This framework is gaining substantial

momentum as a potentially effective response to

managing risk and related challenges (Paape &

Speklé, 2012). Regulators, professional associations,

and rating firms are calling for the adoption of a

consolidated risk management (Arena, Arnaboldi, &

Azzone, 2010). This approach emphasizes a holistic

and comprehensive approach for assessing and

evaluating risks in an organization as opposed to the

"silo" approach of traditional methods (Ai, Brockett,

Cooper, & Golden, 2012; Arena et al., 2010; Bromiley

et al., 2014).

While interest in enterprise wide risk

management is high and several organizations have

begun to utilize the framework, implementation has

been challenging (Mikes, 2008; Power, 2009). In

addition, there are few studies describing its

successful implementations (Aabo, Fraser, &

Simkins, 2005). Research examining the factors

associated with its implementation in North America

has largely focused on insurance and financial

institutions (Beasley, Clune, & Hermanson, 2005;

Bromiley, et al., 2014; Desender, 2011; Kraus &

Lehner, 2012), with insufficient research in the

management discipline (Bromiley et al., 2014).

Similarly, in spite of the substantial interest in the

holistic approach to managing risk on the part of

academics and practitioners and the prevalence of

collaborative risk management programs, there is

limited empirical evidence regarding its impact on

firm value (Hoyt & Liebenberg, 2011; Leech, 2002;

Liebenberg & Hoyt, 2003).

In the literature, ERM has been used

synonymously with integrated risk management,

holistic risk management, enterprise-wide risk

management, corporate risk management, and

strategic risk management (Beasley et al., 2005;

Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the

Treadway Commission [COSO], 2004; Gordon, Loeb,

& Tseng, 2009; Liebenberg & Hoyt, 2003; Nocco &

Stulz, 2006; Pagach & Warr, 2011). Holistic risk

management is often equated with the objectives of

ERM (Borker & Vyatkin, 2012; Fraser & Simkins,


1.1. Background of the Study

Risk management as a formal part of the decision-

making processes within organizations is traceable

to the late 1940s and early 1950s (Dickinson, 2001).

Managing risk is a fundamental concern in today's

turbulent global environment (Berinato, 2004). In

support of this assertion, Wu and Olson (2010)

indicated that establishing acceptable levels of risk

has become a critical strategy to boost performance

and profitability in today's environment.

There has been a growing interest over the last

decade in risk management, and the expectation of

stakeholders concerning risk management have been

rising at a rapid rate especially after the recent

(2008) financial crisis (Gephart, Van Maanen, &

Oberlechner, 2009; Paape & Speklé, 2012; Power,

2007). The crisis has exposed the weakness in the

risk management practices, and organizations are

under continuous and significant pressure to

improve their risk management systems and adopt

appropriate actions that will improve stakeholder

value protection (Paape & Speklé, 2012). This

pressure has led to a paradigm shift regarding the

way risk management is perceived (Gordon et al.,


Instead of looking at risk management from a

silo-based perspective, ERM takes a holistic view of

risk management. For this reason, it has gained

substantial momentum as a potentially effective

response to risk management challenges (Paape &

Speklé, 2012). A holistic approach to managing risk

can enable organizations to deal with risks and

opportunities more effectively, enhancing the

organization's capability to create and preserve

value for stakeholders (Beasley, Pagach, & Warr,

2008; COSO, 2004; Lam, 2003; Liebenberg & Hoyt,

2003; Nocco & Stulz, 2006).

A general theory emerging from the literature

is that the implementation of such a system

improves organizational performance (COSO, 2004;

Hoyt & Liebenberg, 2009; Lam, 2003; Nocco & Stulz,

2006; Paape & Speklé, 2012; Stulz, 1996). Gordon et

al. (2009) argued that one factor driving practical

and scholarly interest in enterprise wide risk

management is the belief that it offers organizations

a more comprehensive approach to risk

management than the traditional silo-based risk

management perspective. By adopting a systematic

and consistent approach to managing the risk

confronting an organization, this approach is

presumed to lower an organization's overall risk of

failure and thereby increase performance and

subsequently the value of the organization.

Effective risk management systems equip

organizations to withstand adverse effects caused

by various environmental risks resulting in a steady

stream of business opportunities that could

potentially reduce variability in corporate earnings

(Torben, 2009). In addition to preventing losses,

effective risk management enables identification,

development, and exploitation of opportunities

(Torben, 2009) leading to the successfully pursue of

greater risk and the creation of better competitive

advantage (Galloway & Funston, 2000). However, in

spite of the attention that this approach has

received, little is known about the stages of

deployments or factors that affect its acceptance

within an organization (Beasley et al. 2005; Paape &

Speklé, 2012; Waweru & Kisaka, 2013).

The general perceived problem that supports a

need for the present study is the inability of

organizations to effectively and efficiently manage

risk, resulting in both failures and losses. The

specific problem the study will investigate is the

Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions / Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2016, Continued - 1


inadequacy of organizational risk management

practices aimed at improving organizational

performance and potentially reducing or preventing

losses. This problem is particularly important as

improved performance results in the creation of

value for shareholders (Nocco & Stulz, 2006). This

study could also contribute to emerging research on

corporate-wide risk management implementation

and to risk management literature. The purpose of

this research therefore is to study the factors

associated with the effective implementation of

holistic approaches to risk management as applied

to various industries of finance, manufacturing, IT

and telecommunication, insurance, business

services, transport and logistics, government or non-

profit, healthcare, energy or oil and gas industries,

and other industries in North America. Previous

research was mainly focused on the financial and

insurance institutions.

The purpose of this correlational study was to

assess the relationship between the role of a Chief

Risk Officer (CRO), the role of an Audit Committee

(AC), Top Management (TM) support and the

implementation of organizational wide risk

management. Paape and Speklé (2012) noted that

there have been very few studies examining how

different industries implement it. The results of

their findings suggested that firms in the financial

industry have a higher level of its implementation

(Kraus & Lehner, 2012; Paape & Speklé, 2012). Along

with banking and insurance firms, Beasley et al.

(2005) found the educational sector to have an

equally developed risk management program in


Another concern regarding the literature on

holistic risk management is that the majority of the

studies examining multiple industries were

conducted in Europe (Paape & Speklé, 2012). Thus, it

is important to conduct similar research in other

parts of the world and across different

organizations to enhance the generalizability of

earlier findings. Unlike previous research, which

mainly focused on financial and insurance

institutions, the present study intends to investigate

its implementation across several industries and in

organizations of various sizes. In addition, the

sample for the present study will include private,

public, for profit, and non-profit organizations,

unlike earlier research conducted.

1.2. Rationale

Beasley et al. (2010) posited that during the recent

economic crisis some organizations failed because

there was less focus on identifying, assessing, and

managing their most important emerging risk. Other

organizations failed because their aggressive pursuit

of returns overshadowed under lying risk. In some

situations, however, organizational leaders were

blindsided by unknown risks, due to the lack of

sufficient infrastructure to identify, assess, and

monitor emerging risk within their enterprises

(Beasley et al., 2010). The recent economic failures

have therefore brought to light the consequences of

ineffective risk management (Kleffner, Lee, &

McGannon, 2003; Lam, 2001).

Poor risk management results in adverse

economic and social consequences for stakeholders

(Kerzner, 2009). According to McCafferty (2010), in

the U.S. alone, approximately $63 billion is spent

annually on IT projects that fail. However, even

when risk management processes appear to have

been effectively employed, many projects fail to

meet their goals and fall short of stakeholders'

expectations. Nocco and Stulz (2006) noted that

poor risk management could result in large dead

weight costs on organizations resulting in long-term

reduction of value. By properly managing risks, an

organization can reduce the amount of expensive

equity capital needed to support its operating risks

(Nocco & Stulz, 2006).

Corporate risk management can benefit

organizations in a variety of ways. Taking a holistic

approach to risk management allows organizations

to decrease the level of volatility in earnings and

stock price, reduce external capital costs, increase

capital efficiency, and create synergies between

different risk management activities (Beasley et al.,

2008; Lam, 2001; Meulbroek, 2002). Kleffner et al.

(2003) noted that the adoption of a holistic risk

management approach enables a coordinated and

consistent approach to managing risk, resulting in

lower costs and better communication across an

organization. A coordinated approach can also lead

to the avoidance of losses as there will be a better

approach to handle the overall risks.

Enterprise-wide risk management approach

provides organizations with a framework for

discipline as it enables management to deal

effectively with the uncertainty associated with risks

and opportunities (Stroh, 2005). This approach also

allows organizations to assess the variability of

target-performance levels with the view to enhancing

value and providing transparency to shareholders

(Stroh, 2005). Nocco and Stulz (2006) observed that

a holistic risk management approach creates value

for organizations through its effects on both macro

(organization-wide) and micro (business-unit) levels.

At the macro level, it creates value by enabling

senior management to quantify and manage the

organization's risk-return trade off. Consequently,

the organization is able to maintain access to the

capital market and other resources necessary to

implement its strategy and business plan. At the

micro level, holistic risk management becomes a way

of life for project team members, and managers and

employees throughout the organization (Nocco &

Stulz, 2006).

Through increased communication, the

collaborative perspective leads to a broader

understanding and recognition of risk throughout

the organization. It also ensures that all risks are

owned and risk-return tradeoffs are carefully

evaluated by operating managers and employees

throughout the organization (Bowling & Rieger,

2005; Nocco & Stulz, 2006). An effective and

efficient risk management approach has the

potential to reduce compliance cost, improve

operational performance, enhance corporate

governance and deliver increased shareholder value

(Bowling & Rieger, 2005; Cumming & Hirtle, 2001;

Lam, 2001). In today's economy, effective risk

management is a critical component of any winning

management strategy (Ingley & van der Walt, 2008;

Stroh, 2005).

The need for improvement in organizational

risk management has received substantial attention

from both practitioners and the field of academia

Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions / Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2016, Continued - 1


(Ingley & van der Walt, 2008; Kleffner et al., 2003;

Kraus & Lehner, 2012; Nocco & Stulz, 2006; Paape &

Speklé, 2012; Stroh, 2005). This study contributes to

and extends the emerging research on holistic risk

management adoption and implementation by

studying organizational factors associated with its

implementation in organizations. The study could

also potentially contribute to academic risk

management literature and the related body of


1.3. Significance of the Study

The 2008 financial crisis has led to the call for

extensive risk management in organizations (Hoyt &

Liebenberg, 2011). The increased importance of a

robust organizational-wide risk management

practice is also attributed to the dynamic business

environment characterized by threats emanating

from political, economic, natural, and technical

resources (Wu & Olson, 2010). Inefficient risk

management has adverse economic impact on

organizations and their stakeholders (Kerzner, 2009;

Nocco & Stulz, 2006). An organizational wide risk

management system facilitates a coordinated and

consistent approach to managing risk within an

organization, and thereby increasing productivity

and value (Kleffner et al., 2003). It advocates a

comprehensive approach to risk management,

aligning with the organization's strategy while

involving employees at all levels (Liebenberg & Hoyt,

2003). Also it provides a solid framework for

handling uncertainty and its associated risk, and for

assessing variability around target performance

levels (Stroh, 2005).

Through increased communication, ERM yields

a broader understanding throughout the

organization and ensures that all risks are owned

(Bowling & Rieger, 2005; Nocco & Stulz, 2006). A

holistic risk management approach has the potential

to reduce compliance cost, improve operational

performance, enhance corporate governance, and

deliver greater shareholder value (Bowling & Rieger,

2005; Cumming & Hirtle, 2001; Lam, 2001).

Consistent with this observation, Byrnes Williams,

Kamat, and Gopalakrishnan (2012) observed that

organizations that have adopted a proactive risk

management approach are able to practically deal

with uncertainty and associated risk and

opportunity, subsequently promoting brand value

and profitability.

This study extends emerging research on risk

management by examining organizational factors

such as audit committee (AC), top management (TM)

support, and chief risk officer (CRO) associated with

its implementation. As a result, this study could

potentially contribute to the body of knowledge and

literature in risk management. In addition, this study

could potentially benefit Practitioners considering

the implementation of robust risk management

systems. Gates et al. (2012) however cautioned that

the study of ERM could be challenging as

organizations are not under obligation to disclose

details of their corporate risk management

processes and stages.

1.4. Nature of the Study

A correlational research approach was used to

assess the relationship between the role of a chief

risk officer (CRO), the role of an audit committee

(AC), top management (TM) support and the

implementation of enterprise risk management

(ERM). According to Waweru and Kisaka (2013)

several theories lend themselves for the study of

holistic risk deployment. Examples include

stakeholder theory, decision theory, agency theory,

and contingency theory. This research was

conducted from the organizational contingency

model perspective. "Contingency theory is an

approach to the study of organizational behavior in

which explanations are given as to how contingent

factors such as technology, culture and the external

environment influence the design and function of

organizations" (Islam & Hu, 2012, p.5159).

This theory suggests that an organization's

effectiveness is dependent on its ability to adjust to

the environment, and the need for congruency

between environment and structure (Pennings,

1992). The main ideology of this theory is that there

is no single best approach of doing things. The best

and suitable approach is situation dependent

(Alboali, Hamid, & Moosavi, 2013).

Similarly, a review of the extant literature on

holistic risk management implementation in an

organization revealed the use of various contingent

variables (Daud & Yazid, 2009) such as firm size,

industry type, TM support, presence of CRO,

presence of AC, CG, auditor type, quality of the

internal auditor, risk culture, board independence,

ownership structure, board size, regulatory

compliance, education and training, and cross-

functional staff. Consistent with this observation,

Gordon et al. (2009) noted that the determination of

"key factors in contingency relations between a

firm's ERM system and its performance is far from

an exact science" (p. 303). Although, there is no

common theoretical framework that determines the

principal factors between an organizations strategic

risk management system and performance, Gordon

et al. observed that there is a general consensus that

it is dependent on factors as indicated above. The

characteristics of these variables however depend on

the peculiarity of each location and their context

(Dabari & Saidin, 2014).

In spite of the popularity of the contingency

theory in research, critics are concerned about the

adequacy of the underlying models employed

(Moores & Chenhall, 1991). The goal was to explain

how differences in contextual and structural

dimensions are related. For effectiveness, Drazin

and van de Ven (1985) and Islam and Hu (2012)

maintained that context and structure must fit

together. This study was based on this theory

because, it continues to remain a dominant

paradigm in management studies (Islam & Hu, 2012).

Secondly, as indicated by Gordon et al. (2009), ERM

has been studied from the contingency theory

perspective by various authors (e.g. Chenhall, 2003;

Gerdin & Greve, 2004, 2008; Gordon & Miller, 1976;

Gordon & Narayanan, 1984; Mai & Chenhall, 1994;

Otley, 1980; Waweru & Kisaka, 2013). Taking this

approach, Figure 1 shows the expected relationship

between factors influencing the level of its


Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions / Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2016, Continued - 1


Figure 1. The expected relationship between factors influencing the level of its implementation

The remainder of the research is organized as

follows: The second section reviews the literature on

enterprise wide risk management with a specific

focus on implementation factors, benefits over

traditional risk management, and relation to

organizational performance. The third section

provides a description of the research study and

explores the variables. The data analysis and

findings follows. Finally, the fifth section discusses

the results in detail and presents the conclusions,

recommendations, and the implications associated

with the study.


2.1. Risk Management

Although risk can be viewed as the possibility of

loss or exposure to loss, a hazard, an uncertainty, or

an opportunity (Rosenberg & Schuermann, 2006),

risk is ultimately a multilayered concept indicating

that there is a great deal at stake for organizations

(Smith & Mckeen, 2009). Risk is commonly measured

on two scales: severity and frequency. Severity refers

to the intensity or magnitude of loss or damage,

whereas frequency is the likelihood of loss, damage,

or a missed opportunity (Hampton, 2009). In this

light, risk could be viewed as an opportunity or a

threat. The management of risk and reward is

challenging, as evidenced by the recent (2008

2009) economic crisis and its related uncertainty

(Gordon et al., 2009).

The concept of organizational uncertainty has

frequently been discussed in organizational theory,

psychology, and economics (Petit & Hobbs, 2010). It

has become more complex with a rise in the number

and intensity, as a result, risk management is

essential to organizational success (Ben-Amar,

Boujenoui, & Zeghal, 2014). Risk management helps

make the presence of risk in a firm's environment

much clearer and more apparent, and management

decides on the course of action based on the

acceptability of each risk (Dia & Zéghal, 2008;

McShane, Nair, & Rustambekov, 2011; Razali & Tahir,

2011). According to Ingley and van der Walt (2008),

risk management is considered to be an integral part

of an organization's strategic process and central to

performance, competitive advantage, and

shareholder and stakeholder value creation.

Risk management has been widely debated as

firms and institutions adopt strategic risk

management (McShane et al., 2011). In recent times,

there have been significant changes in how risk is

managed on an organizational level. Previously, it

was managed in silos, where different organizational

units handled risk independently (Lam, 2003).

However, some practitioners believe that risks are

interconnected and must be managed accordingly.

Consequently, most failures associated with poor

risk management can often be attributed to a

convergence of multiple factors (Maingot, Quon, &

Zeghal, 2013). There is not one correct approach for

managing risk, but there appears to be some

consensus about the need for the

institutionalization of enterprise wide risk

management (Bromiley et al., 2014; Maingot et al.,

2013). Hence, it is emerging as a priority for most

organizations (Altuntas, Berry-Stolze, & Hoyt, 2011).

2.2. The Portfolio Theory and Integrated Risk


he rationale behind a consideration of Portfolio

theory before turning to ERM is based on the

argument that Portfolio theory and holistic risk

management are closely related. According to

Alviniussen and Jankensgard (2009) it is believed

that organizational-wide risk management is related

to, and originated from the Portfolio theory

proposed by Markowitz (1952) as they both suggest

that risk should be managed on a portfolio basis.

The goal of this theory is to minimize the overall

impact of a given risk through a holistic

management approach (Alviniussen & Jankensgard,

2009). Another proposition of this theory is that, the

expected variance in the returns of a firm is best

minimized by bringing the independent, non-

interactive business units together (Rumelt, 1974 as

noted by Lubatkim & Chatterjee, 1994).

The Portfolio Theory enables the determination

of the highest return for a given level of risk

(Sanchez, Benoit, & Pellerin, 2008). In other words, it

enables the determination and selection of a

portfolio with the lowest risk possible (Vaclavik &

Jablonsky, 2012). The assumption of the modern

Portfolio theory is based on the notion that, the

effect of the overall risk in a portfolio is expected to

be less than the impact of the individual risks

(Markowitz, 1952). Consistent with this observation,

Eckles, Hoyt, and Miller (2014) observed that by

implementing an integrated risk management

framework, an organization could combine its

various risks into a risk portfolio resulting in an

increased productivity and profitability through cost

savings. Further developments and improvements

of the Portfolio theory include; Postmodern Portfolio

Theory, Stochastic Portfolio Theory, and Fuzzy

Portfolio Theory (Vaclavik & Jablonsky, 2012).

Level of ERM implementation

Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions / Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2016, Continued - 1


2.3. Enterprise Risk Management

In the late 1980s, collaborative risk management

emerged as an extension of hazard risk

management, which posited that organizations must

manage risk in a comprehensive, coordinated

manner (Hampton, 2009). It is a complex concept

that affects every major aspect of an organization

(Hampton, 2009; Kimbrough & Componation, 2009).

Dickhart (2008) asserted that for a risk management

system to be effective, it must be able to coordinate

the various sectors responsible for risks. According

to Bowling and Rieger (2005), corporate risk

management is the highest level of risk management

in an organization, and it occurs when a holistic

approach is adopted. At this level, related activities

are linked to strategy and incorporated in daily

business processes.

ERM is a new paradigm for dealing with

organizational risk that allows policy makers to

focus on ways to improve CG and general risk

management (Beasley et al., 2005; Gordon et al.,

2009). Global initiatives on CG, internal control, and

risk management have driven the use of corporate

wide risk management systems (Muralidhar, 2010).

Consolidated risk management allows organizations

to overcome limitations associated with traditional

silo-based risk management practices (McShane et

al., 2011). However, McShane et al. (2011) observed

that in spite of its popularity, little is known about

its effectiveness. Although, the extant literature

suggests that ERM deployment leads to value

creation, most of the systematic studies however

failed to specifically indicate the components that

lead to value creation (Kraus & Lehner, 2012).

Similarly, although the findings in the literature

suggest a correlation between ERM and value

creation, Kraus and Lehner (2012) indicated that it is

unclear which of these benefits are attributable to

ERM or traditional risk management. In addition,

Altuntas et al. (2011) posited that there was no

consensus on a definition for it, involving specific

management tools that make it more effective.

According to Power (2009, p. 853) "risk

management designs like ERM are fundamentally

unable to process and represent internal systematic

risk issues, since this would require an imagination

of externalities well beyond their design". Challenges

associated with implementing holistic risk

management systems include unsuitable

organizational structures (OS), resistance to change,

poor understanding of how to incorporate new risk

management frameworks, and difficulty measuring

risk (Kleffner et al., 2003). Beasley, Branson, and

Hancock (2009) found that competing priorities,

inadequate resources, an absence of TM support,

and misconceptions that consolidated risk

management complicates corporate bureaucracy

result in low desire to implement it within


Consolidated risk management enables an

organization to diligently work through a process of

identifying and analyzing risks with the view to

making informed decisions (Brown et al., 2009). It

also facilitates open discussions of risks (Liebenberg

& Hoyt, 2003) as they are effective in identifying,

assessing, and monitoring organizational risk while

ensuring effective communication (Beasley et al.,

2009). Ben-Amar et al. (2014) noted that a

collaborative risk management approach identifies,

manages, and mitigates risk allowing organizations

to capitalize on opportunities. A holistic risk

management approach provides a framework for

identifying circumstances that influence

organizational objectives, evaluating risk prevalence,

noting responses and strategies that attenuate risks,

and establishing a process to monitor risks (Ben-

Amar et al., 2014). Effective monitoring with an ERM

system, enables organizations to detect, restrict, and

rectify any discrepancies that would have affected

its strategic decisions and for that matter its long

term goals (Byrnes et al., 2012).

Holistic risk management can be viewed as a

paradigm shift, in which senior executives and

management realign organizational risk

management (Gordon et al., 2009). Rochette (2009)

maintained that due to the changing risk

environment, any strategic risk management

approach must cover a range of projects, processes,

products, and services. Power (2009), however,

argued that instead of focusing beyond the horizon

and serving as a mechanism that challenges the way

complex issues are assessed and managed by an

organization, organizational wide risk management

serves as a boundary perpetuating system of risk


ERM is usually described as comprehensive,

integrated, complex, and cross-divisional

(Liebenberg & Hoyt, 2003). Meagher and O'Neil

(2000, p.10) described it as an "approach that is

positive and proactive, value-based and broadly

focused, embedded in processes, integrated in

strategy and total operations, and continuous." A

comprehensive risk management approach

considers interdependencies as well as contradictory

components of the risk management process (Borker

& Vyatkin, 2012). It also identifies optimal objectives

when dealing with internal issues (Kimbrough &

Componation, 2009). The lack of a holistic risk

theory has the potential to disrupt the development

of an applied risk management system (Borker &

Vyatkin, 2012).

According to Brown et al. (2009) ERM is the

method and the process organizations use to

management risk, seize opportunities, and achieve

objectives. Stroh (2005) defined it as a way to

identify risk factors in business, assess severity,

quantify magnitude, and mitigate the downside

exposure associated with risks while capitalizing on

the upside opportunities. De Loach (2000) also

defined it as a disciplined approach to align

strategy, processes, people, technology, and

knowledge, with the purpose of evaluating and

managing uncertainty to create value. COSO (2004)

noted that ERM is an approach for identifying and

managing risk events, to be within an organizations

risk appetite in order to provide reasonable

assurance for achieving objectives. It is usually

affected by board of directors (BOD), management,

and other personnel in a strategic setting. Manab,

Kassim, and Hussin (2010) referred to it as a

rigorous system by which organizations can assess a

number of variables simultaneously. In this study,

COSO's (2004) definition will be adopted.

An integrated approach to managing risk

demands commitment and support from leadership,

requires all employees to be responsible for risk

assessment and response, and utilizes a wide range

Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions / Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2016, Continued - 1


of tools and methodologies within a unifying

framework (Manab et al., 2010). In collaborative risk

management, risk is broadly defined to include any

action that could prevent an organization from

achieving its objectives. It reinforces employee

involvement, with a focus on risk practices, and

enables organizations to manage risks in an

integrated, enterprise-wide fashion (Hoyt &

Liebenberg, 2011). Gupta (2004) observed that this

holistic approach of dealing with risk is rapidly

emerging as a powerful approach to facilitate better

decision-making as it provides a uniform approach

to risk identification and measurement.

2.4. ERM versus Traditional Risk Management

Enterprise-wide risk management incorporates a

comprehensive approach to risk management,

aligning with the organization's strategy while

involving employees at all levels (Liebenberg & Hoyt,

2000). Sobel and Reding (2004) argued that risk has

holistic effects, creating the need for similar

management. COSO's (2004) definition of

organizational wide risk management addressed

how risk is managed, providing a basis for

application across organizations, industries, and

different sectors. It also focused on achievement of

objectives and provided a basis for defining its


According to Pagach and Warr (2011), this

strategic approach of dealing with risk identifies and

assesses risks an organization might encounter and

examines potential control measures. Although

these processes are consistent with a traditional risk

management approach, certain variations exist.

Managing risks separately as in the traditional

approach, results in inefficiency due to the lack of

coordination between departments. Advocates of

institutional wide risk management find that by

integrating decision-making across all risk types,

organizations can avoid risk expenditure by

exploiting natural hedges (Liebenberg & Hoyt, 2003).

Hedging could be viewed as a traditional risk

management activity that reduces the chances of

financial distress on an organization (Smith & Stulz,

1985). Through the exploitation of natural hedges,

holistic risk management reduces the extreme cost

of capital and subsequently improves the

performance and value of the organization (Nocco &

Stulz, 2006). Separate risk- management activities

can reduce earnings volatility from specific sources,

but the holistic risk management aims to reduce

volatility by preventing aggregation of risk across

different entities (Hoyt & Liebenberg, 2011).

The traditional risk management approach is

compartmentalized in organizations, whereas ERM

usually involves a broader perspective, considering

the various types of risk associated with

organizational objectives (Borker & Vyatkin, 2012). It

purports to gain a systemic perspective of the

interdependence among risks (McShane et al., 2011).

Instead of concentrating on a single risk,

consideration is given to the risks that could impede

a firm's objectives and value; it may not be possible

to control all risks; however, sources of risk can be

identified and managed in relation to the

organization's overall objectives (Ben-Amar et al.,

2014). Corporate risk management, unlike

traditional risk management approaches (silo,

department-by -department, or risk-by-risk

approaches), requires an organizational-wide

approach be taken in identifying, assessing, and

managing risk (Kleffner et al., 2003). While the

traditional approach to risk management mainly

purports to protect an organization from financial

losses, corporate risk management on the other

hand considers risk management as a component of

an organization's strategy, thereby allowing for

better decision making (Liebenberg & Hoyt, 2003).

The traditional approach has also caused excessive

cost to organizations, and does not provide a clearer

and comprehensive view of risk to management and

BOD (Lam, 2000).

In addition, traditional approaches to risk

management have not considered shareholder value

and responsibilities to investors when making

decisions (Meier, 2000). Collective risk management

takes a much broader view of risk compared to the

fragmented, silo-structured risk management at

many organizations (Bowling & Rieger, 2005). An

organizational wide approach of risk management

also looks within and across organizational

activities, in contrast to the silo approach to risk

management (Bowling & Rieger, 2005). Whereas

traditional risk management is largely concerned

with protecting organizations against adverse

financial effects, collaborative risk management

allows for more wide-ranging risk-adjusted decisions

that maximize shareholder value (Meulbroek, 2000).

Whereas individual risk management activities

may reduce earnings volatility by reducing the

probability of catastrophic losses, potential

interdependencies between risks exist across

activities that might go unnoticed in the traditional

risk management model. Enterprise wide risk

management, however, provides a structure that

combines all risk management activities into one

integrated framework enabling the identification of

such interdependencies (Hoyt, & Liebenberg, 2011).

Thus, whereas individual risk management activities

limit earnings volatility from specific sources, an

institutional wide strategy reduces volatility by

preventing the aggregation of risk from different


2.5. Antecedents of ERM Implementation

The implementation of strategic risk management is

driven by a combination of external and internal

factors (Kraus & Lehner, 2012; Lam, 2001;

Liebenberg & Hoyt, 2003). The major external

influences driving organizations to take a more

holistic approach to risk management include a

broader scope of risks associated with CG issues,

institutional investor pressure, competitive

advantage, technology advancement, increasing

complexity of risk, and globalization (Miccolis &

Shah, 2000; Rosen & Zenios, 2006), failures

(Dickinson, 2001). Some internal drivers include

maximization of shareholder wealth (Lam, 2001),

market expectations, anticipated losses (Kraus &

Lehner, 2012), BOD, ACs, internal audit, TM

(Deloitte, 2008).

Other contributing factors are changes in

investor regulations, heightened sensitivity to

earnings volatility, and increased accountability by

organizational boards (Kleffner et al., 2003). In

addition, technological advancement in computer

Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions / Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2016, Continued - 1


software and increasingly sophisticated statistical

and economic analytical models have made holistic

risk management systems more viable (Green, 2001).

Manab et al. (2010) maintained that CG and

shareholder value are the motivational factors for

corporate entities adopting and implementing it, and

Miccolis and Shah (2000) identified the desire to

maximize shareholder wealth as a primary external

factor driving its implementation.

According to Kraus and Lehner (2012) the

introduction of regulatory bodies and other

frameworks such as Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOA) in

2002, Basel II in 2003, the Casualty Actuarial Society

(CAS, 2003), the joint Australia/New Zealand

Standard (AS/NZS, 2009), The New York Stock

Exchange corporate governance rules (NYSE, 2009),

the Dodd Frank Act (2010) have greatly influenced

the adoption and implementation of a corporate

wide risk management by organizations. Bowling

and Rieger (2005) argued that the wide-spread

implementation is increasing for two reasons. First,

increased emphasis on CG and mounting compliance

costs associated with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of

2002 (SOA) are motivating factors. Second, the

release of COSO's risk management framework has

provided impetus for organizations by making its

implementation easier. Galloway and Funston (2000)

however opined that the two main drivers for the

deployment of an ERM system are the creation of

low risk management cost and the need to achieve

competitive advantage.

Stroh (2005) noted that ERM is becoming an

emerging standard, and based on these factors, it

may well be the key to survival for many

organizations. Increased global competition has

created a shift in the emphasis of risk management

from a defensive to a more strategic focus

(Meulbroek, 2002). In this sense, effective risk

management has become highly essential for all

types of organizations (Manab et al., 2010). In spite

of these driving factors, its implementation is

usually faced with several challenges (Gates, 2006).

According to Nocco and Stulz (2006), its

implementation is not straight forward even though

conceptually it appears to be. Altuntas et al. (2011)

observed that, the success of an integrated risk

management system is greatly depended on how

efficiently it is implemented in an organization.

Consistent with this observation, Nocco and Stulz

(2006) observed that a major challenge in strategic

risk management implementation is ensuring that

both TM and business managers take proper account

of risk return-tradeoff within an organization.

2.6. Adoption and Implementation of ERM

Byrnes et al. (2012) observed that the deployment of

an ERM framework serve as a linkage between

strategy, risk management, and corporate

governance, consequently it is indispensable in the

achievement of organizational goals. These authors

therefore proposed that a proactive risk

management system should;

Incorporate risk management into business

planning and decision making process

Promote the identification of the various

risk an organization faces and thereby establishing

an appropriate risk management process.

Perceive risk not just as a threat, but also as

an opportunity and through that seek a balance

between risk-reward tradeoffs.

Promote the involvement of members of the

entire organization

Have an organizational-wide approach to

risk monitoring and reporting, and corrections for

the improvement of the risk management process.

It has been argued that a corporate risk

management framework requires a top-down,

holistic view of potentially critical risks that can

undermine an organization's ability to achieve

objectives (Beasley et al., 2009). Based on its holistic

approach, it must be developed with stakeholders in

mind, assessing the suitability of the approach for

individual organizations (Bowling & Rieger, 2005).

ERM has been discussed and debated for more than

a decade, but implementation has been limited to

only a few larger financial institutions (Bowling &

Rieger, 2005; Paape & Speklé, 2012). Research on

factors associated with its execution is limited

(Beasley et al., 2005). Kleffner et al. (2003) noted that

the poor adaptation rate of this new risk

management paradigm could be due to uncertainty

about how value is created, as well as how to

optimize organizational goals and vision. As a

result, Kleffner et al. noted that a strategic risk

management system must be accompanied by a risk

management culture to be successful.

Colquitt, Hoyt, and Lee (1997) found that

enterprise wide risk management implementation

depended on industry size and the individual(s)

responsible for risk management. Liebenberg and

Hoyt (2003) noted the presence of a risk office as

driving the implementation of an integrated risk

management framework in an organization. Kleffner

et al. (2003) found that the risk officer, support of

the BOD, and related regulations were key factors in

the corporate inclusion of holistic risk management


In 2005, Beasley et al. observed that ERM

incorporation is positively related to the presence of

a risk office, BOD independence, support of the

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Financial

Officer (CFO), presence of auditors, entity size, and

type of industry (banking, education, and insurance

industries). Bowling (2005) observed that the

implementation of such a system is usually initiated

as a result of compliance issues (CG). Yazid, Razali,

and Hussin (2012) also suggested that its

implementation was largely dependent on variables

related to an organization's risk champion, leverage,

profitability, turnover, internal diversification, size,

and shareholders.

In extending the work of Liebenberg and Hoyt

(2003), Pagach and Warr (2011) noted that, the

implementation of a holistic risk management

framework was supported by larger organizational

size, presence of more volatile cash flow, and riskier

stock returns. Furthermore, Paape and Speklé (2012)

found that the extent of institutional wide risk

management use within an organization was

influenced by the regulatory environment, internal

factors, ownership structure, and organizational and

industry-related characteristics. Eckles et al. (2014)

in their study concluded that the adoption of a

strategic risk management system was related to the

diversified nature of the organization,

organizational size, and the returns on stock

Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions / Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2016, Continued - 1


volatility. Based on this observation, Paape and

Speklé concluded that the factors associated with its

implementation are globally similar.

2.7. Benefits of Holistic and Effective Risk


Risk management is a key driver of organizational

performance, competitive advantage, and

shareholder and stakeholder value creation (Ingley &

van de Walt, 2008). In emphasizing the importance

of the structural approach to risk management,

Gates et al. (2012) noted that strategic risk

management enhances management and improves

organizational performance by leading to consensus

among management and strengthening decision

making and accountability. Rochette (2009) observed

that an effective risk management system serves as

a link between compliance and performance in CG.

Through an effective risk management frame work,

an organization's TM and BOD address potential

risks during strategic planning (Beasley et al., 2009).

Apart from considering the different categories of

risk, corporate risk management regards each risk as

part of an organization's overall risk portfolio

managed holistically (Liebenberg & Hoyt, 2003).

Enterprise wide risk management also

increases risk awareness and subsequently increases

knowledge that leads to sound decision making

throughout the organization (Kleffner et al., 2003).

With traditional risk management, important risks

can elude the attention of TMs (Drew & Kendrick,

2005). Drew, Kelley, and Kendrick (2006) observed

that without an enterprise-wide approach to risk

management, organizations can have an acceptable

risk level, yet have an unacceptable combination of

risk aversion and risk seeking. Management's ability

to control risk can result in an organizational growth

and increased investor confidence (Meier, 2000).

The success of a business entity depends on

effective risk management as risk has the potential

to impact organizational value (Archer, 2002).

Holistic risk management benefits organizations by

decreasing volatility of earnings and stock prices,

reducing external capital costs, increasing capital

efficiency, and creating synergy between different

risk management activities (Beasely, Pagach, & Warr,

2001; Lam, 2001; Meulbroek, 2002). Kleffner et al.

(2003) noted that such an approach enables a

coordinated approach to managing risk, resulting in

lower cost and better communication. This leads to

the avoidance of losses, as overall risk management


Consolidated risk management also provides a

disciplined framework enabling management to deal

with uncertainty; this framework includes

associating risks and opportunities to assess

variability around target performance levels that

enhance value and provide transparency for

shareholders (Stroh, 2005). Nocco and Stulz (2006)

similarly observed that it creates value for

organizations through its effect on both macro

(company-wide) and micro (business-unit) levels. At

the macro level, it creates value by enabling TM to

quantify and manage risk-return tradeoffs. Thus,

organizations are able to maintain access to capital

markets and other necessary resources to

implement their strategies and business plans. At

the micro level, such as system becomes a technique

for managers and employees to address risks at all

organizational levels.

By increasing communication, collective risk

management leads to an improved understanding of

risk throughout the organization (Bowling & Rieger,

2005). This ensures that individuals take

responsibility for all risks and operating managers

and employees carefully evaluate risk-return

tradeoffs (Nocco & Stulz, 2006). This system can also

reduce compliance costs, improve operational

performance, enhance CG, and deliver greater

shareholder value (Bowling & Rieger, 2005; Cumming

& Hirtle, 2001; Lam, 2001). In addition, a

collaborative risk system increases the chance that

an organization will achieve its goals by ensuring

that the risk managed is within the scope of

stakeholders' risk appetite (Beasley & Frigo, 2007).

However, Bowling and Rieger (2010) noted that while

organizations can use it to focus on improving

corporate compliance and shareholder value, only a

few have fully achieved these objectives.

An effective risk management framework has

numerous benefits. It ensures organizations

encounter fewer surprises, allows for enhanced

planning and performance, promotes information

processing and communication, improves

accountability, and protects organizational and

individual reputations (Brown et al., 2009). This

strategic risk management system even reduces

global risk by addressing opportunities and threats

associated with supply chain relationships (Anold,

Benford, Hampton, & Sutton, 2012). Paape and

Speklé (2012) argued that even though prominent

frameworks (such as the COSO framework) claim to

represent "best practices", there appears to be no

theoretical or empirical evidence about such claims.

These authors believe that the ability of these

frameworks in advancing sound risk management

still remains unanswered. Abrams et al. (2007)

however observed that the optimization of

organizational operations and the elimination of

duplicate business functions is critical for making a

robust risk management system rewarding.

Consequently, Pagach and Warr (2011) cautioned

that many of these benefits are still debatable, and

further research is needed.

The growing empirical research on ERM is not

without limitations. For example, according to

Bromiley et al. (2014) the issue of endogeneity and

other related issues, especially of methodology make

it challenging to draw a general conclusion about

ERM's effectiveness. In addition, the extant literature

has not adequately addressed inter-firm differences

in entity-wide approach to risk management. To

better understand these variations, it is

recommended that further research be conducted on

a contingency theory of ERM implementation (Mikes

& Kaplan, 2013). Although, ERM is believed to be a

potential remedy to the myriad challenges faced by

organizations, Power (2009, p. 850) argued that this

approach to risk management could be misleading

in design for three reasons;

1. "That the enterprise-wide view and related

notion of a singular organization risk appetite are

highly problematic".

2. "Sources of these impoverishment lie in the

deep complicity of ERM in the expanded significance

of a logic of auditability".

Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions / Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2016, Continued - 1


3. That "the resulting expensive narratives of

risk accountability have proven to be incapable of

articulating and comprehending critical risks,

particularly those associated with


2.8. Measuring the Levels or Stages of ERM

Adoption and Implementation

The implementation of an institutional wide risk

system is a multilevel or stage process (Beasley et

al., 2005; Waweru & Kisaka, 2013). There is limited

research on the strategies for measuring the level or

stage of ERM implementation (Waweru & Kisaka,

2013). Most of the approaches developed were by

consulting firms (e.g. Standard & Poor, Deloitte)

which are however not suitable for measuring the

level of implementation in an organization (Waweru

& Kisaka, 2013). In 2005, Beasley et al. developed an

approach for measuring the level or stage of its

deployment. This approach, unlike some of the

others, which basically assumed that, an ERM system

was either in place or not, measured implementation

level or stage using an ordinal variable ranging from

stages 1 5 as follows:

Stage 1 = no plans present regarding

implementation (i.e., risk management is usually


Stage 2 = investigating or considering ERM

and making a decision (i.e., there is the active

control of risk in specific areas, e.g., health and

safety, financial and project risk);

Stage 3 = planning to implement (i.e., there

is the identification, assessment, and control of risk

in specific areas);

Stage 4 = partial ERM in place (i.e., there is

the identification, assessment, and control of

strategic, financial, operational, and compliance

risks in the process of implementing a complete

system), and

Stage 5 = complete ERM in place (i.e., there

is identification, assessment, and control of

strategic, financial, operational, compliance risks as

an integral part of the strategic planning and control


This approach of measurement introduces

some degree of subjectivity, however, it could be

employed in different organizations (Waweru &

Kisaka, 2013). Consequently, it has been used in

other studies (e.g. Beasley et al., 2009; Daud Yazid, &

Hussin, 2010; Daud, Haron, & Ibrahim, 2011;

Waweru & Kisaka, 2013). This approach of assessing

the level or stage of deployment will be adopted for

this study.

2.9. Contingency Theory a Theoretical Background

The origin of the Contingency theory in

organizational study is traceable to the 1950s

(Hanisch & Wald, 2012; Rejc, 2003). This theory is

broad, varies in form and implementation, and is

applicable to various disciplines (Hanisch & Wald,

2012). The Theory "may best be described as a

loosely organized set of propositions which are

committed to some form of multivariate analysis of

the relationship between key organizational

variables as a basis for organizational analysis, and

which endorses the view that there are no

universally valid rules of organizing and

management" (Burrell & Morgan, 1979 as noted by

Rejc, 2003, p. 246).

According to Hanisch and Wald (2012), the

seminal works of Woodward (1958), Burns and

Staker (1961), and Lawrence and Lorsch (1967) set

forth the argument that there was no single best

approach to managing and organizing. The basic

tenets of the Contingency theory are a) that all

processes must fit the environment, and b) not all

environments are the same. Howell et al. (2010)

observed that for effectiveness, the various external

challenges that an organization is presented with

requires the application of different organizational

characteristic; and "an optimal fit may require

different organizational characteristics to suit

different external conditions" (p.257).

The classic work of Burns and Stalker (1961)

proposed two basic organizational structures. The

first, a mechanistic structure, is characterized by

centralized features and formal decision making.

Mechanistic structures also have strict rules and top-

down communication. Decisions are made at the

top, and employees have a narrow set of

responsibilities. The second type of organizational

structure identified by Burns and Stalker was an

organic structure, characterized by flatter features,

informal communication lines, and flexible roles. In

an organization with an organic structure, decision

making is decentralized, and responsibility and

authority are not as critical. When the structure of

an organization is in line with elements of its

contextual environment, the organization or its work

units are seen to be effective; this is the perspective

of the contingency theory (Teasley & Robinson,


van Donk and Molloy (2008) approached the

Contingency theory through an organizational

design perspective. In relating to the work of

Mintzberg (1979), van Donk and Molloy (2008)

observed that, the structure of an organization is

greatly influenced by the contingency factors which,

in turn correlates to the design elements. Thompson

(1967) observed that uncertainty was the principal

challenge to organizations, with changes in

technology and environments being the contingency

factors. Thompson proposed appropriate strategies

of interactions and organizational design as

remedies for such challenges. Similarly, Burkhardt

and Brass (1990) noted changes in technology as the

principal source of uncertainty in organizations.

They discussed remedies using social structures and


The goal of contingency theory is to explain

how differences in contextual and structural

dimensions are related. This does not look at

universal principles applicable in all situations, but

instead purports to explain how one attribute or

characteristic is dependent upon another (Vecchio as

cited by Mullins, 2005). Similarly, the level of

strategic risk management implementation in an

organization is affected by several contingent

variables such as: board independence, firm size,

ownership structure, growth rate, support of TM, the

CRO, the AC, CG, effective communication,

organization risk culture, regulation, and industry

type. These variables support the use of contingency

theory for this study. The presence of a risk officer,

CG, and TM support were used for this research, and

are discussed further in the literature review.

Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions / Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2016, Continued - 1


2.10. Review of Related Factors for ERM


The CRO and ERM Implementation

Collaborative risk management strategy requires an

individual or group of individuals at the senior

management level who coordinate various

framework processes (Lam, 2001; Waweru & Kisaka,

2013). The role of managers is critical in the

implementation of effective risk management within

organizations (Waweru & Kisaka, 2013). For this

reason, risk officers are important influencers when

implementing a corporate wide risk system. The key

benefit of a risk champion is the ability to expand

risk management responsibilities throughout an

organization's leadership structure (De La Rosa,

2007). Such an executive works with other managers

to set up a risk management system and

disseminates risk information throughout the

organization (COSO, 2004; Saeidi, Sofian, Rasid, &

Saeid, 2012). The presence of a CRO can also reduce

risk-related information asymmetry between

shareholders (Beasley et al., 2008). As they are

ultimately responsible for uniting all the risk

management activities across the organization, risk

officers reduce the duplication of efforts across the

various sectors within the organization and increase

an organization's efficiency (De La Rosa, 2007). To

ensure effectiveness, a risk champion must develop

a strategic understanding of an organization's core

activities in both products and services (Rochette,


Rochette (2009) also demonstrated that strong

written and oral communication skills, the ability to

adapt to various conditions, good interpersonal and

leadership skills, the ability to negotiate, and team-

building skills are essential for CROs to be effective.

This supported the assertion by De La Rosa (2007)

that an effective and efficient risk champion is a

generalist who advocates for team work and

effective communication. As a strategic controller

and advisor, the risk champion advises TM about

risk, performance, and how capital investments can

be made (Mikes, 2008). For an organizational wide

system to be value-based, the role of such a

champion is critical (Rochette, 2009). Demidenko

and McNutt (2010) observed that when the CRO does

not report to the entire BOD, information

discrepancy about risk priorities can result.

Researchers studying the influence of the CRO

on holistic system of handling risk have noted that

the presence of a risk officer was related to the

adoption and implementation of an institutional

wide approach of managing risk (Beasley et al., 2005;

Hoyt & Liebenberg, 2008; Kleffner et al., 2003;

Liebenberg, 2003; Liebenberg & Hoyt, 2003; Pagach &

Warr, 2011; Waweru & Kisaka, 2013). Similarly, Daud

et al. (2010) contended that the quality of the risk

champion influenced collaborative risk management

implementation and its related practices. Consistent

with this assertion, Saeidi et al. (2012) observed that

the presence and quality of the risk officer strongly

correlated with enterprise risk management strategy.

However, it should be understood that the risk

officer is not the risk owner, but instead the

facilitator of the risk system, so there is a need for

the risk champion to coordinate with other risk

specialists (Rochette, 2009). To do this, the risk

champion establishes a risk management framework

to determine how identified risks will be managed

(Mikes, 2008). The risk officer must have an

understanding of critical strategic uncertainties and

be able to communicate that understanding to

management (Mikes, 2008).

The presence and influence of the risk officer

in an organization promotes the adoption and

implementation of an effective risk management

system (Beasley et al., 2005). The presence of such

an executive also indicates an organization's serious

desire to implement risk management strategies

(Rochette, 2009). The risk champion is ultimately

responsible for uniting all risk management

activities across the organization and reducing the

duplication of efforts across the various sectors

within the organization (De La Rosa, 2007).

Liebenberg and Hoyt (2003) observed that although

the presence of a risk champion suggested

enterprise wide risk management usage, the reverse

however, did not suggest the absence of such a

system. Liebenberg and Hoyt simply concluded that

creating a risk champion's position signified the

degree of commitment to organizational wide risk

management. Pagach and Warr (2007) opined that

organizations engaging a risk champion in the

implementation of corporate risk management

sometimes did so as a response to poor stock

performance. They added that such organizations

tend to be less opaque (more prone to stock price

crushes) with fewer growth options. In other words,

organizations "with more opaque assets and more"

chances of expansion were less likely to engage a

CRO (p. 3).

The CRO is an important proxy noted in the

literature as being necessary for the deployment of a

consolidated risk management system. However, the

use of a CRO as a sole indication of the readiness for

the deployment of a robust risk management system

(e.g. Aabo et al., 2005; Beasley & Hoyt, 2003; Beasley,

Pagach, & Warr, 2008; Liebenberg & Hoyt, 2003;

Pagach & Warr, 2010) could be misleading and needs

to be done with caution, as this could potentially

result in the oversight of critical ERM activities such

as idiosyncratic risks (Kraus & Lehner, 2012).

Liebenberg and Hoyt (2003) observed that there was

no agreement about the structure of the entity that

should oversee the implementation of an ERM

framework within an organization. While some

proponents advocate having a risk champion, others

recommend the use of risk management

committees. Taking an alternative approach,

Hanbenstock suggested that risk should be managed

through a single organizational unit (as cited in

Liebenberg & Hoyt, 2003).

Audit Committee (AC) and ERM Implementation

In an uncertain global environment, the AC is critical

for organizational success (Lloyd & Fanning, 2007),

and it plays a significant role in risk management

(Livingston, 2005). Paape and Speklé (2012)

indicated that ACs are essential in the oversight of

risk management practices. Demidenko and McNutt

(2010) clarified that ACs spend time assessing risk

instead of monitoring the risk management process,

and Carcello, Hermanson, and Ye (2011) noted that

ACs and BODs internally monitor the financial

Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions / Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2016, Continued - 1


reporting from TM in order to mitigate potential

financial risk.

The AC is responsible for issues related to the

relationship between the organization and its

auditors (Taher & Boubaker, 2013). According to the

National Commission on Fraudulent Financial

Reporting, ACs create a platform where directors,

management, and auditors can coordinate issues

pertaining to risk management and financial

reporting (as cited in Turley & Zaman, 2004). The AC

is able to influence the BOD to ensure that risk

management processes are allotted attention and

resources in order to be successful (Paape & Speklé,

2012). The AC is also instrumental in promoting CG

principles to safeguard public interest

(Szczepankowski, 2012; Vasile & Croitoru, 2013).

Szczepankowski (2012) further observed that the

formulation of effective management practices

requires a congenial relationship between the AC,

CG, shareholders, and management. Ho, Lai, and Lee

(2013) asserted that ACs must be independent and

financially knowledgeable; however, Brown et al.

(2009) argued that ACs did not necessarily need to

be knowledgeable in finance, as risk is not limited to

that realm.

Organizational effectiveness can be enhanced

by good CG and the AC process (Szczepankowski,

2012). The effectiveness of the AC is largely

dependent on the BOD, and it is vital for

organizations to maintain sound controls and

ensure the strong presence of independent auditors

(Cohen, Krishnamoorthy, & Wright, 2007). Hundal

(2013) observed that the AC has an important

responsibility to review financial information on a

continuous basis to promote reliability and ensure

organizations maintain strong control mechanisms.

Beasley et al. (2005) suggested that organizations

with high-quality auditors might be more devoted to

effective risk management. Others have argued that

auditors can be persuasive in encouraging clients to

improve their risk management practices (Paape &

Speklé, 2012).

It is sometimes difficult for the AC to be

independent and unbiased, especially in instances

where committee selection is based on the influence

of management or members of the BOD (Beaseley,

Carcello, Hermanson, & Neal, 2009). In view of this,

ACs might not satisfy the interest of shareholders

(Cohen, Gaynor, Krishnamoorthy & Wright, 2011).

García, Barbadillo, and Parez (2012) observed that

ACs composed of independent, external members

were more likely to be accountable and transparent

as autonomy reduces or prevents potential

interference and manipulation from TM.

For effectiveness of the AC, Brown et al. (2009)

suggested the establishment of a risk management

committee separate from the AC as well as an

interface between the AC and the BOD. The risk

management committee is responsible for reporting

to both the BOD and the AC. According to Brown et

al. (2009), members of the risk management

committee could be individuals from various

departments including finance, compliance, human

resources management, logistics, quality control and

assurance, research and development, or


An effective AC can be influential in resolving

disputes, as they tend to be unbiased towards the

shareholder and supportive towards the auditor

(Cohen et al., 2011). The CEO's influence on an

auditor's judgment depends on AC effectiveness,

and the effectiveness of the AC is influenced by the

frequency of meetings (Garcia et al., 2012). These

and many other roles of the AC require their

independence (Szczepankowski, 2012).

Brown et al. (2009) observed that the AC could

be limited in its risk management oversight for

several reasons including but not limited to:

Being overburdened with several


Focusing on the oversight of financial

reporting and other compliance issues instead of on

a wider scope of risk management

Having to deal with the presence of

discrepancies in the requirements of the AC

The risk factors an organization faces being

better understood by members of an organization

rather than outsiders.

It has been suggested that the AC has

significant influence on external and internal

controls (Turley & Zaman, 2004). Turley and Zaman

(2004) found that ACs were responsible for

overseeing management's assessment of business

risk as well as management's capability of both

identification and assessment of potential risk.

Bostrom (2003) recommended that the BOD

regularly receive reports from the AC and assess

identified risks and recommendations (as cited in

Ingley and van de Walt, 2008). In addition, ACs can

influence an organization's financial reporting

systems, the extent of the organization's

disclosures, and the organization's adherence to

policies and practices (Turley & Zaman, 2004). AC

independence also improves accounting information

and market value of an organization (Hundal, 2013).

The presence of an AC can potentially improve

performance through enhancement of appropriate

management and governance structures (Turley &

Zaman, 2004). Menon and Williams argued that the

existence of an AC does not necessarily indicate

effectiveness, nor does it suggest that the BOD rely

on the AC to enhance effective monitoring (as cited

in Turley & Zaman, 2004). In addressing this point,

Szczepankowski (2012) cited Kajola observation that

the presence of an AC does not contribute positively

to firm development. Turley and Zaman (2004)

argued that the presence of an AC can reduce

weaknesses in governance but that there is no

relationship between the presence of an AC and

achievement of specific governance effects.

Similarly, Cohen et al. (2004) argued that ACs are

ineffective and lack the power to ensure governance


Larger ACs may be ineffective in executing their

duties when compared to smaller committees

(Garcia et al., 2012). Szczepankowski (2012) noted

that a small AC can improve the effectiveness of an

organization versus a larger one. It has been

suggested that larger ACs could result in poor

communication and poor decision-making, and

could be difficult to control. When discussing AC

effectiveness, Lipton and Lorsch (1992)

recommended seven to nine individuals as ideal.

However, Buchalter and Yokomoto (2003) contended

that an effective AC must be made up of an average

of three to five members. According to

Szczepankowski (2012), research has indicated a

positive correlation between the size of the AC and

Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions / Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2016, Continued - 1


performance; however, Yermack (1996) noted a

negative correlation between AC size and the

profitability of an organization.

TM Support and ERM

Felekoglu and Moultrie (2014) observed that TM

involvement and support are often used

interchangeably. Similarly, TM and senior

management are also used interchangeably, so for

the purpose of consistency in this study, TM support

will be used. Enterprise wide risk management

implementation can encounter setbacks and even

fail. De La Rosa (2007) identified some potential

causes of setbacks as a lack of buy-in from TM and

oversight committees such as the AC, a lack of

theoretical risk knowledge, a poorly customized

approach, a poorly defined language, an

inappropriate oversight structure, insufficient

resources, insufficient supervision, the inability to

maintain the momentum of the implementation, and

a poor tone at the top.

In the wake of the 2008 economic crisis, risk

management has become a major concern of TM

(Schneider, Sheikh, & Simione, 2012). Consistent with

this, Beasley et al. (2009) observed that there has

been a significant increase in the requests for TM to

fortify oversight in risk management. According to

Jarvenpaa and Ives, TM support involves the

participation of executives or TM (as cited in

Komala, 2012). Felekoglu and Moultries (2014)

argued that TM support is vital as TM hold the

primary decision-making responsibilities within an

organization. TM are influential because of their

authority, and they are more likely to overcome

potential resistance (Keen, 1981). TM support could

result in the availability of appropriate resources for

the execution of new projects (Rodriguez, Perez,

Juan, & Gutierrez, 2008). Scholars agree that

effective risk management initiatives cannot succeed

without TM support (Beasley et al., 2008; Walker et

al., 2002). Davenport observed that with strong TM

commitment, many endeavors could be successful

(as cited in Ifinedo, 2008).

TM can influence knowledge sharing and

learning through the creation of appropriate climate,

culture, and resources (Lin, 2007). Lin (2007)

explained that through knowledge donation and

collection, an organization is able to enhance its

innovation abilities. Effective TM support influences

the setting of organizational values and encourages

the development of appropriate management styles

in order to enhance the performance of an

organization (Chen & Paulraj, 2004). Pringle and

Kroll asserted that TM's implementation of new

programs usually signals the importance of the

programs, which can promote team commitment (as

cited in Salomo, Keinschmidt, & De Brentani, 2010).

The effectiveness of a management system is

closely related to the integrity and ethical values of

TM (Demidenko & MuNutt, 2010). Andrews and

Beynon (2011) observed that the processes and

environment within an organization influence TM's

ability to achieve their goals. Cohen,

Krishnamoorthy, and Wright (2004) asserted that an

effective AC requires a strong organizational

charter, as well as TM cooperation and support. TM

support greatly enhances organizational

performance (Khan, Lederer, & Mirchandani, 2013).

In short, TM support is critical for organizational

success (Ragu-Nathan, Aigian, Ragu-Nathan, & Tu,


Enterprise-wide risk management is strategic

and thus cannot succeed without TM support

(Bowling & Rieger, 2005). Andriole (2009) argued

that in the absence of TM support, opportunities can

be missed and projects can fail. According to Tiller

(2012), strong leadership and management support

creates success for most strategies, and

organizations that satisfy stakeholders and maintain

profitability must promote it. Consequently, TM

must participate in the early stages of implementing

a collaborative risk management system (Bowling &

Rieger, 2005). Zwikael (2008) cautioned, however,

that the effectiveness of TM support may vary

across industries and organizations.

According to Ingley and van de Walt (2008),

organizational boards and TM must ensure that

mechanisms enhance standards of cost, codes of

conduct, and other required policies. Management

impacts the CG mechanism through influence on

board appointments and information shared with

members (Cohen et al., 2007). The effectiveness of a

CG structure for achieving objectives requires

support of TM and leadership (Vasile & Croitoru,


Sharma and Yetton (2003) ascribed that in the

context of low task interdependence, TM support

regarding collective risk management

implementation success was low, while conversely,

TM support had a significant impact on

implementation success with high task

interdependence. TM perception about risk could

influence cooperation, trust, and commitment in

terms of performance (Rodriguez et al., 2008).

Rodriguez et al. explained that a favorable TM

attitude towards risk encourages various

departments to undertake more tasks. Beasley et al.

(2008) observed that TM played a critical role in the

success of any effective risk management system.

TM support facilitates the integration of risk

management philosophy and strategy across the

organization. Finally, the nature, scope, and impact

of corporate risk management must have strong

support from TM in order to be successful (Walker

et al., 2002). Employees of an organization are likely

to accept and adopt an enterprise wide risk

management system when it is noted that TM and

BOD are supportive and actively involved in the risk

management process (Brown et al., 2009). Hence, for

any collaborative risk management framework to

succeed, it is critical that the entire organization

gets involved.


3.1. Research Design

A non-experimental (correlational) approach was

used to explore the presence of a chief risk officer

(CRO) and an audit committee (AC), and the support

of top management (TM) in relation to the

implementation of enterprise risk management

(ERM). This was used to assess the relationship

among variables (Creswell, 2012). The use of the

non-experimental approach is consistent with the

works of researchers such as Arnold, Benford,

Hampton, and Sutton (2012); Beasley et al. (2005);

Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions / Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2016, Continued - 1


Beasley et al. (2007); Gordon et al. (2009); Hoyt and

Liebenberg (2011); McShane et al. (2011); Paape and

Speklé (2012); Pagach and Warr (2010); Tahir and

Razali (2011), and Waweru and Kisaka (2013).

The correlational research approach placed

emphasis on methodology, procedure, and statistical

measures of validity, as such a method depends on

both measurement and analysis of statistical data to

produce quantifiable deductions and conclusions

(Eldabi, Irani, Paul, & Love, 2002). A survey

instrument was provided to pre-screened self-

identified risk-management and other related

professionals (e.g., CFOs, CROs) who are members of

SurveyMonkey Audience Service database and met

the inclusion criteria. Survey Monkey Audience

Service was chosen because it provides a random

sample which increases generalizability of the

results (Creswell, 2009).

The survey instrument was used to obtain data

on the level of agreement or disagreement about

ERM elements. The data collected was imported into

statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) software

for further analysis to determine any possible

statistical relationship between the independent and

depend variables.

Descriptive frequencies and chisquare tests

were used in this study. In addition, logistic

regression was used for further analysis of the data

as it was suitable for describing and testing

hypotheses about the relationships between the

categorical outcome variable and the predictor

variables (LaValley, 2008; Peng, Lee, & Ingersoll,

2002). "Logistic regression is a multiple regression

but with an outcome variable that is a categorical

variable and a predictor variable that is continuous

or categorical" (Field, 2009, p. 265). Logistic

regression, unlike other forms of regression allows

the prediction of categorical outcomes based on

predictor variables (Field, 2009).

This study involved a categorical outcome

variable and three predictors which were also

categorical, making logistic regression an

appropriate model for addressing the research

questions. Also, because the categorical outcome

variable was of ordinal measurement, logistic

regression appeared to be appropriate. In logistic

regression, if the outcome variable has more than

two categories as in this study, it is known as

multinomial logistic regression (MLR). A great

benefit to the use of MLR is that it does not assume

a linear relationship between the variables

(Tabachnick, Fidell, & Osterlind, 2001). MLR is

capable of generating more suitable findings with

respect to model fit and correctness of the analysis

irrespective of any assumption (Das & Gope, 2014).

For each null hypothesis, a regression analysis

was used to determine the relationship, if any,

between the dependent and independent variable. A

correlational analysis was also conducted to

determine the strength and direction of the

relationship between theses variables. Using a

probability (p) value of .05, a null hypothesis was

either rejected or accepted. It was accepted if p was

greater than .05 (i.e. p > .05) while it was rejected if p

value was less than .05 (i.e. p < .05). In addition,

correlations were performed to assess the

relationship between the independent variables

using a p value of .01.

3.2. Sample

The population for this study consisted of risk

management and risk related professionals from

various sectors (e.g. finance, manufacturing, IT and

telecommunication, insurance, business services,

transport and logistics, government or non-profit,

healthcare, energy or oil and gas industries, and

other industries) in North America. The sample

frame were self-identified risk management and risk

related professionals within the SurveyMonkey

Audience data base. The inclusion criteria were

professional engaged in risk management and risk

related activities. Respondents were also required to

able to read and comprehend English and were 18

years of age or above.

The process of recruiting and sampling for this

study was undertaken by SurveyMonkey Audience

who sent out invitations to respondents who met the

inclusion criteria to voluntarily participate. Self-

administered surveys were used for quick and

reliable feedback (Cooper & Schindler, 2006). A

random sampling method was used, giving each

member of the sample frame an equal and

independent chance of being selected (Bartlett,

2005). The use of SurveyMonkey Audience Service

was expected to result in the randomness required

for rigorous data collection. The purpose of seeking

a random sample was to obtain a representative

sample (Trochim, 2001; Orcher, 2005). This made

the responses statistically valid and representative

subset of the target population (Kitchenham &

Pfleeger, 2002; Leedy & Ormond, 2009). To minimize

sampling errors, the following were done; a good

sample frame was selected; a large sample was

selected; an instrument with clear and straight

forward questions was employed; and rigorous

survey administration procedure was adopted

(Creswell, 2012). In the determination of the needed

sample size, the present research, adopted the

G*Power 3 approach, as it was a stand-alone analysis

program used in numerous research studies (Faul et

al., 2009).

3.3. Data Collection

The Survey Monkey audience service was used to

obtain a sample of the target population. The survey

link included informed consent information and

participants were informed of their right to opt-out

of the study. The survey was administered on the

internet using Survey Monkey, and completion of the

survey was used as confirmation of participant

consent. The duration of the data collection period

was two weeks, after which time the response rate

had declined and the minimum study sample was

reached. The data was subsequently downloaded

from the Survey Monkey web site for analysis onto a

secure computer and processed with Predictive

Analytics Software (PASW) Statistics 18 software that

was purchased from SPSS, Inc.

Through SurveyMonkey Audience Service, a

total of 134 valid responses were received. This was

more than the minimum of 119 needed for the

study. The questionnaire gathered information

about ERM adoption and implementation in

participants' organizations. The response data was

downloaded to an excel spread sheet, and coded

Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions / Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2016, Continued - 1


appropriately in preparation for analysis using the

SPSS software tool.

3.4. Data Analysis

The statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) was

used to analyze the data collected. Descriptive

statistics were used to display results. This included

percentages, frequencies, z-tests, chi square tests,

and independent t-tests. In addition, logistic

regression was used for further analysis of the data

as it was suitable for describing and testing

hypotheses about the relationships between the

categorical outcome variable and the predictor

variables (LaValley, 2008; Peng, Lee, & Ingersoll,

2002). This approach was consistent with previous

research (e.g. Beasley et al., 2005; Beasley et al.,

2007; Gordon et al., 2009; Tahir & Razali, 2011;

Waweru & Kisaka, 2013).

Secondly, it does not violate any assumptions

involved in regression for a categorical dependent

variable (Vogt, 2007). In this current study, the

dependent variable (extent of ERM implementation/

STAGE) was measured on an ordinal scale, and the

independent variables were categorical, hence

logistic regression was deemed appropriate for

hypotheses testing and was subsequently used to

answer the research questions.

Prior to analysis, the scores of the outcome

variables were typically transformed using natural

logs of odds (Vogt, 2007). Cronbach's alpha was

used to analyze the survey constructs for internal

consistency and reliability. In addition, extreme

responses (e.g., outliers) from the data analysis were

excluded (Cohen, Manion, & Morrison, 2007).

For Research Question 1, regression analysis

was used to determine the relationship, if any,

between the presence of a Chief Risk Officer (CRO)

and the implementation of ERM. A correlational

analysis was also conducted to determine the

strength and direction of the relationship between

the presence of a CRO and the stage of ERM


For Research Question 2, a regression analysis

was conducted to examine the extent to which the

presence of an Audit Committee (AC) influenced the

implementation of ERM. A correlational analysis was

conducted to determine the strength and direction

of the relationship between the presence of an AC

and the stage of ERM implementation.

For Research Question 3, regression analysis

was conducted to determine the extent to which,

Top Management (TM) support predicted the stage

of ERM implementation. Similarly, a correlational

analysis was conducted to determine the strength

and direction of the relationship between the

presence of Top Management and the stage of ERM

implementation. Statistical analyses that were used

for the research questions are shown in Table 2


Table 1. Variables and statistics for Research Questions

R1 . What is the relationship, if any,

between the presence of a Chief Risk

Officer (CRO) and the implementation of


Independent variable:

Presence of CRO

Dependent variable:

Stage of ERM implementation

Logistic regression,


R2 . What is the relationship, if any,

between the presence of an Audit

Committee (AC) and the implementation

of ERM?

Independent variable:

Presence of AC

Dependent variable:

Stage of ERM implementation

Logistic regression,


R3 . What is the relationship, if any,

between Top Management (TM) support

and the implementation of ERM?

Independent variable:

TM support (Level of management support)

Dependent variable:

Stage of ERM implementation

Logistic regression,


3.5. Validity and Reliability

In order to address internal consistency in this

study, Cronbach's Alpha was determined using SPSS

and subsequently used as a measure for assessing

the quality of the data collected. For this study, the

Cronbach's Alpha values were .70 for CRO, .70 for

AC, and .73 for TM. These values suggested that a

reliable measurement was used (Nunnally, 1978;

Vogt, 2007).


The purpose of this study was to assess the

relationship between the role of a Chief Risk Officer

(CRO), the role of an Audit Committee (AC), Top

Management (TM) support and the implementation

of organizational wide risk management. The

following primary research questions were

addressed in this study:

RQ1. What is the relationship, if any, between

the presence of a Chief Risk Officer (CRO) and the

implementation of enterprise risk management


RQ2. What is the relationship, if any, between

the presence of an Audit Committee (AC) and the

implementation of enterprise risk management


RQ3. What is the relationship, if any, between

Top Management (TM) support and the

implementation of (enterprise risk management)


The target sample frame requested for analysis

prior to the survey using a power of .95 was (n =

119). However, the final number analyzed from

random respondents generated from SurveyMonkey

Audience Service was (n = 134). Initially, a total of

159 responses were collected, of which 25 were

removed from the data because they were

incomplete, resulting in a total of 134 responses.

Table 2 displays participants' industry of

employment which varied across the demographic

for the sample.

Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions / Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2016, Continued - 1


Table 2. Participants' industry of employment

Information technology(IT)




Banking and finance




Real estate











The survey results indicated that the business

services group were the majority (n = 28, 20.0 %) and

hospitality, legal, real estate, and utilities were the

minority (n = 1, 0.8%) each. Two respondents (1.5%)

were in the transport and logistic industry. Defense

had three (2.2%) participants, energy/oil & gas and

construction sector each had four participants

(2.9%), engineering five (3.7%) respondents,

education seven (5.2%) participants, government

eight (5.9%), not for profit and healthcare groups

both had the same representation (n = 9, 6.7%) and

the insurance sector ten (7.5%). The rest were the

banking and finance sector represented by 12 (8.9%)

participants, manufacturing 14 (10.5%) and the

information technology sector 15 (11.2%). Table 3

represents the various categories of respondents'

job function or position.

Table 3. Participants Job Function/Position

Chief executive officer (CEO)

Chief financial officer (CFO)

Executive management team

Majority of the respondents were regular staff

members (n = 48, 35.8%) and the minority were CFOs

(n = 3, 2.2%). The remaining respondents were CRO

(n = 4, 3.0%), CEO (n = 7, 6.7%), other (n = 24, 17.9%).

This group was diversified comprising job functions

such as: analysts, business development managers,

process engineers, and educators.

Table 4. Presence of a Chief Risk Office

Seventy-eight (58.2%) participants noted their

organization had a CRO, while 56 (41.8%) indicated

there was no CRO. Table 5 shows the presence of an

AC in participants' organization.

Table 5. Presence of an audit committee

Eighty-nine (66.4%) respondents indicated an

AC was present in their organization, while 45

(33.6%) noted there was none in their organization.

Table 6 displays management support for risk


Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions / Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2016, Continued - 1


Table 6. Management communicating about being in control of risk

Yes, in the field of financial reporting

Yes, on all risk areas (such as; strategic, operational, financial

reporting, and compliance)

Forty-one (30.6%) of the participants indicated

management supported and communicated about

the need of being in control of all categories of risk

in their organization. Forty-seven (35.1%) also

indicated management was supportive, but

communicated mainly about financial reporting.

Forty-six (34.3%) however noted management was

not supportive and there was no communication

about risk management.

Table 7. Stage of ERM implementation

ERM implementation stage/level

Table 8. Organizational Stage of ERM deployment

Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions / Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2016, Continued - 1


A greater number of the respondents ( n = 40,

29.9%), indicated their ERM system were in stage 3,

while the minority 14 (10.5%) participants were at

stage 5 of implementation. Thirty-seven (27.6%) were

in stage 2, 28 (20.1%) were in stage 1, 15 (11.2%)

respondents were in stage 4. Table 8 displays

organizational stage of ERM deployment.

Results regarding stage of ERM deployment

indicate the transport and logistics, education,

hospitality and government sectors had no

respondents for Stage 1 of ERM deployment. The

majority (n = 7, 25.0%) belonged to the business

services group. In between were health ( n = 1, 3.6%),

IT, insurance, and not for profit making up 7.1% (n =

2) each, manufacturing ( n = 3, 10.7%), and business

services (n = 7, 25.0%). For Stage 2, the insurance,

utilities, education, hospitality, defense, legal, real

estate, and transport and logistics sectors had no

respondents. The energy/oil & gas, and not for profit

organizations had one respondent each (2.7%). The

construction and engineering sectors consisted of

two (5.4%) participants each. The manufacturing, IT,

and government sectors had five respondents

(13.5%) each. The banking and finance and health

sectors had four (10.8%) respondents each. The

majority (n = 8, 21.6%) were in the business services


At stage 3 of deployment, where there was a

plan in place to implement a holistic risk

management system, most of the respondents were

in the business services (n = 9, 22.5%). The minority

were in energy/oil and gas, utilities, legal,

construction, engineering, and real estate industries

(n = 0, 0.0%). Health, hospitality, and defense

consisted of one participant (2.5%) each. Two

participants (5.0%) each were noted to be in

transport and communication, government, and

banking and finance. The insurance and

manufacturing industries comprised three (7.5%)

respondents each. The rest are; not for profit and

education consisting of five (12.5%) participants

each, and the IT industries represented with six

(15%) participants.

At stage 4, where all the organizational risks

were assessed and managed, the transport and

logistics and government sectors had no

respondents. The majority however were the

insurance, manufacturing, business services, and the

IT industries (n = 2, 13.3%). This was followed by

energy/oil and gas, health, not for profit, education,

defense, banking and finance, and engineering (n =

1, 6.7%) each. The minority in this stage of

implementation were transport and logistic,

government, utilities, hospitality, legal, construction,

and the real estate sectors with no representation

each. Stage 5, the highest level of deployment where

ERM forms an integral component of the

organizational planning and control mechanism, IT,

not for profit, education, utilities, hospitality,

defense, legal, construction, real estate, and the

transport and logistics sectors had no fully

developed ERM in place. Most of the respondents (n

= 3, 21.4%) were in the insurance industries. This

was followed by the Business services, banking and

finance, and health which had the same number of

respondents (n = 2, 14.3%). Manufacturing,

government, education, engineering, and energy/oil

& gas sectors were next (n = 1, 7.1%).

4.1. Details of Analysis and Results

The study utilized multinomial logistic regression to

explore the relationship between the dependent and

independent variables. The dependent variable here

was ERM (enterprise risk management), which had

five stages; from stage 1 to stage 5. Stage 1 is the

lowest level of ERM implementation while stage 5 is

the best stage. In this analysis, Audit committee

(AC), presence of chief risk officer (CRO) and Top

management (TM) support levels were the

independent variables. Based on these variables, for

each stage of ERM there was one regression and this

depicted the relations between the dependent and

independent variables in comparisons with the

reference category in terms of odds ratio as shown

in Table 9. This table presents the multinomial

logistic regression model parameter estimation.

With regards to exp.(B) or odds ratio, for TM

support, the largest value (1.479) was noted at stage

4 of deployment of ERM, followed by exp. (B) = 1.418

at stage 2, exp. (B) = 1.191 at stage 3 and exp.( B) =

1,130 at stage 5. For CRO, the largest value exp. (B) =

6.592 was at stage 4, followed by exp. (B) = 5.048 a t

stage 2, exp. (B) = 4.381 at stage 5 and exp. ( B) =

1.172 at stage 3. For AC, the highest value exp. ( B) =

3.756 was realized at stage 5, and the least exp. (B) =

1.139 at stage 4. Between these were exp. (B) = 2.146

for stage 3 and exp. (B) = 1.728 at stage 2.

In terms of p-values, for TM support, the

highest value (p = .503) was at stage 5 and the least

(p = .023) at stage 2. Between these were stage 3 ( p =

.170) and stage 4 (p = .064). For CRO, the highest

value (p = .796) was noted at stage 4 followed by (p =

.090) at stage 5. At stage 4, p = .033 and at stage 2, p

= .016. For AC, the highest (p = .877) was observed

at stage 4, followed by stage 2 (p = .418), stage 3 (p =

.202), and stage 5 (p = .173).

Concerning the logistic coefficient (B), for TM

support, stage 3 was noted with the highest (B =

1.75) followed by stage 4 ( B = .391). Stage 2 was next

(B = .349) and stage 5 the least (B = .122). For the

presence of CRO, stage 4 had the largest value (B =

1.886) and stage 3 realized the least (B = 1.477). In

between were stages 2 (B = 1.619) and stage 5 (B =

1.477). For AC, the least was in stage 4 (B = .130) and

the highest in stage 5 (B = 1.323). Stage 2 was B =

.547 and stage 3, B = .763. Table 10 illustrates the

Pseudo Model R-squared.

Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions / Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2016, Continued - 1


Table 9. Multinomial logistic regression model parameter estimation

Stage 2: Risks are

assessed and


managed for certain

areas/parts of the

organization like

security, finance, etc

Stage 3: Risks are

proactively assessed

and managed for

certain areas/parts of

the organization

Stage 4: We are

implementing an ERM

Stage 5: Objectives and

risks are aligned and

an ERM is implemented

and is an integral part

of our strategic

planning & control


a. The reference category is: Stage 1: No attempts to develop an ERM

b. This parameter is set to zero because it is redundant.

Table 10. Model Pseudo R-Square (strength of association)

Nagelkerke's Pseudo R-Squared

From the table above, Nagelkerke R-squared

was .251(ranges from 0 1) and shows that the

model can explain 25% of the relationship between

dependent and independent variables. Table 11

presents the model fitting information.

Table 11. Model Fitting Information

The 2 Log likelihood value was 137.953 and

Chi-Square 36.636 at a 12-degree freedom. It shows

that the model is statistically significant (Chi-square

= 36.63, p < .05) to establish the relationship

between the dependent and independent variables.

Research Question 1

Research Question 1 asked, what is the relationship,

if any, between the presence of a Chief Risk Officer

and the implementation of ERM?

To address Research Question 1, a regression

analysis was used to determine the relationship, if

any, between the presence of a CRO and the

implementation of ERM. A correlational analysis was

also conducted to determine the strength and

direction of the relationship. From Table 19, Stage 1

of ERM implementation is the reference category; all

other stages are computed in reference to stage 1.

For Stage 2 of ERM implementation, there was a

significant positive relation between the presence of

CRO and ERM (B = 1.691, p < .05). Compared to No-

CRO, the organizations with Yes-CRO had a better

ERM implemented for this stage. The odd ratio in

this case shows, for one No-CRO organization there

would be five organizations with Yes-CRO for stage

two compared to stage one (which is the lower

stage). All these indicate that, with better ERM there

would be more CRO for the organizations, in other

words the presence of CRO would better the ERM

(stage 2).

Furthermore, for stage three of ERM

implementation there was a positive relation

between ERM and presence of a CRO, despite the

fact that this relation was not statistically significant

(B = 1.59, p = .796). However, for stage four, there

was a statistically significant relationship between

ERM and CRO (B = 1.886, p < .05), here the odd ratio

shows, for each company with No-CRO there would

Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions / Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2016, Continued - 1


be around six companies for Yes-CRO (Odd ratio =


Research Question 2

Research Question 2 asked, what is the relationship,

if any, between the presence of an Audit Committee

and the implementation of enterprise risk


To address Research Question 2, a regression

analysis was used to determine the relationship, if

any, between the presence of an AC and the

implementation of ERM. A correlational analysis was

also conducted to determine the strength and

direction of the relationship. For stage 2, the study

found a positive relation between the presence of an

AC and ERM deployment. This relation was however

not statistically significant (B = .547, p = .418). For

stage three of ERM implementation, there was a

positive relation between ERM and presence of an

AC, although this relation was not statistically

significant (B =. 763, p = .202). Similarly, for stage 4,

there was a positive relation between ERM and

presence of an AC, but this relation was not

statistically significant (B =. 130, p = .877). At stage 5

of deployment, a positive relationship was noted

between the presence of an AC and ERM although,

this was not statistically significant (B = 1.323, p =


Research Question 3

Research Question 3 asked, what is the relationship,

if any, between Top Management support and the

implementation of enterprise risk management?

To address Research Question 3, a regression

analysis was used to determine the relationship, if

any, between TM support and the implementation of

ERM. A correlational analysis was also conducted to

determine the strength and direction of the

relationship. Again from Table 19, for stage 2, there

is a positive and significant relationship between

ERM and Management Support level (B = .349, p

<.05). This indicated for stage 2 of ERM, one-unit

increase in management level or better management

level would have positive impact on ERM by 1.418

times. Thus, higher management support level

would increase the higher level of ERM (Stage 2)

compared to lower ERM (Stage 1).

In addition, for stage 3 of ERM there was a

positive relation between ERM and Management

Support level, despite the fact that this relation was

not statistically significant (B = .175, p = .170). For

stage 4 of ERM implementation, although there was

a positive relation between ERM and TM support,

this relation was not statistically significant (B =.

391, p = .064). Again for stage 5 of ERM, there was a

positive relation which was not statistically

significant (B = .122, p = .503).

Furthermore, to make judgment about the

relationship between ERM and CRO, ERM and AC, a

non-parametric (Spearman's rho) correlation was


ERM and CRO Correlation Analysis

Table 12 illustrates the correlation between CRO and

ERM for the respondents in the survey.

Table 12. Correlation between ERM and CRO

Correlation between ERM and CRO

*. Correlation is significant at the .05 level (2-tailed).

As per the correlation value in Table 12 above,

there is a positive and weak correlation between

CRO and ERM, the correlation is statistically

significant at .05. This relationship shows, as CRO

increased from No-CRO to Yes-CRO, there would be

higher ERM (from lower stage to higher stage). This

indicates, as CRO is present in a company, it would

have better ERM.

ERM and Audit Committee Correlation Analysis

Table 13 presents the correlation between ERM and

Audit committee (AC).

Table 13. Correlation between ERM and Audit committee

Correlation between ERM and Audit committee

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions / Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2016, Continued - 1


As provided in Table 13, there is a positive and

weak correlation between ERM and presence of AC.

This correlation is also statistically significant. This

shows, if there is an increase in AC, from No - AC to

Yes - AC, there would be better ERM (as positive

relationship). Thus, with the presence of ACs,

organizations have better ERM performance level.

Relationship between CRO and Implementation of

an ERM

H10 : There is no significant relationship, if any,

between the presence of a CRO and the

implementation of an ERM.

H1A : There is a significant relationship between

the presence of a CRO and the implementation of an


Based on the regression and correlation

analysis, the null hypothesis has been rejected and

the alternative has been accepted. Thus, it is

indicative that, there is a significant relationship

between the presence of a CRO and the

implementation of an ERM. Here, the relationship

between presence of a CRO and the implementation

of an ERM is positive as shown in Table 22.

Relationship between the Presence of an Audit

Committee and the Implementation of an ERM

H20 : There is no significant relationship if any,

between the presence of an Audit Committee and

the implementation of an ERM.

H2A : There is a significant relationship between

the presence of an Audit Committee and the

implementation of an ERM.

The regression result and the correlation

analysis suggested that there is a significant

relationship between the presence of an AC and the

implementation of an ERM. Thus the null hypothesis

has been rejected here and the alternative has been

accepted. The correlation also found a positive

relationship between the presence of an Audit

Committee and the implementation of an ERM

displayed in Table 13.

Relationship between the Support of Top

Management and the Implementation of an ERM

H30 : There is no significant relationship, if any,

between the support of Top Management and the

implementation of an ERM.

H3A : There is a significant relationship between

the support of Top Management and the

implementation of an ERM.

As per the regression analysis the null

hypothesis has been rejected and the alternative has

been accepted, which ensures, there is a significant

relationship between the support of Top

Management and the implementation of an ERM.

This relationship is also positive, thus with the

increase of management support the

implementation of ERM would be more effective.

Relationship among the Independent Variables

(CRO, AC and Management Support Level)

Table 14 shows the correlations between the

independent variables.

Table 14. Correlations between the independent variables

Correlations between the independent variables

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

From the table above, it shows there are

positive correlations between management support

level and CRO (r = .263, p < .01) as well as AC ( r =

.308, p < .01). These indicate as management

support increase so does the presence of CRO and

AC and vice versa. Moreover, there is a strong

positive correlation between presence of CRO and

AC (r = .519, p <.01), this relation shows the

presence of CRO would be higher with the presence

of an Audit Committee and vice versa.



This section provides a summary and discussion of

the study's findings related to the three research

questions, implications for researchers and

practitioners, limitations of the research,

recommendations for further research, and

conclusions that can be drawn from the study. The

purpose of this study was to examine the impact of

Chief Risk Officers (CRO), Audit Committees (AC),

and Top Management (TM) as well as the

implementation of enterprise risk management

(ERM). This study investigated the inadequacy of

organizational risk management practices aimed at

improving performance and reducing or preventing

losses. This problem was particularly important as

improved performance creates value for

shareholders (Nocco & Stulz, 2006). This study

contributed to emerging research on organization-

wide risk management implementation and the body

of risk management literature. This study examined

factors associated with the effective implementation

of holistic approaches to risk management as

applied to financial institutions, manufacturing,

insurance companies, business services, healthcare

industries, government, not for profit organizations,

information technology (IT), and the oil and gas

industries in North America.

Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions / Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2016, Continued - 1


The study used a non-experimental,

correlational approach to explore the relationship

between the presence of a CRO and an AC and the

support of TM in relation to the implementation of

ERM. A survey instrument was administered to a

group of self-identified risk-management

professionals who were members of Survey Monkey

Audience Service database. The survey instrument

was used to obtain data on the level of agreement or

disagreement about ERM elements. The use of the

non-experimental approach is consistent with

previous research (e.g., Arnold et al., 2012; Beasley

et al., 2005; Beasley et al., 2007; Gordon et al., 2009;

Hoyt & Liebenberg, 2011; McShane et al., 2011; Paape

& Speklé, 2012; Pagach & Warr, 2010; Tahir & Razali,

2011; Waweru & Kisaka, 2013).

5.1. Discussion of the Results

The results of the statistical analysis demonstrated

that there was a statistically significant relationship

between the three independent variables (CRO, AC,

and TM support) and the implementation of ERM.

Consequently, the three null hypotheses tested in

this study were rejected.

Research Question 1

RQ1. What is the relationship, if any, between the

presence of a Chief Risk Officer (CRO) and the

implementation of ERM?

Based on the regression and correlation

analysis for Research Question 1, the null hypothesis

has been rejected. Thus, it was indicative that, there

was a significant positive relationship between the

presence of a CRO and the implementation of ERM.

Research Question 2

RQ2. What is the relationship, if any, between the

presence of an Audit Committee and the

implementation of ERM?

The regression result and the correlation

analysis for Research Question 2 suggested there

was a positive and significant relationship between

the presence of an AC and the deployment of an

ERM system. Thus, the null hypothesis was rejected.

Research Question 3

RQ3. What is the relationship, if any, between Top

Management support and the implementation of


For Research Question 3, the regression

analysis led to the rejection of the null hypothesis,

as a significant positive relationship was observed

between the support of TM and the implementation

of an ERM. These are further elaborated in this


The CRO and ERM Deployment

Researchers studying the influence of the CRO on an

integrated system of handling risk have noted that

the presence of a risk champion was related to the

adoption and implementation of an institutional

wide approach of managing risk (Beasley et al., 2005;

Daud et al., 2010; Hoyt & Liebenberg, 2008; Kleffner

et al., 2003; Liebenberg, 2003; Liebenberg & Hoyt,

2003; Pagach & Warr, 2011; Waweru & Kisaka, 2013).

Although the presence and quality of the risk officer

strongly correlated with enterprise risk management

strategy (Saeidi et al., 2012), Liebenberg and Hoyt

(2003) argued that the reverse however, did not

suggest the absence of such a system.

Based on the results of the regression and

correlational analyses, a significant positive

correlation was noted between presence of CRO and

ERM at Stage 2 of the implementation process ( B =

1.691, P < .05). According to the odd ratio, at Stage 2

of the ERM implementation process, for each

organization without a CRO, there were five

organizations that had a CRO. This demonstrates

that the presence of CRO is linked to ERM

deployment (at Stage 2).

At Stage 3 of ERM implementation, there was

positive correlation between ERM and CRO, but the

relationship was not statistically significant ( B =

1.59, p = .796). However, at Stage 4 of ERM

implementation, there was a positive and

statistically significant relationship between ERM

and CRO (B = 1.886, p < .05). This implies that, at

Stage 4 of ERM implementation, more companies

have a CRO, and thus, their ERM is stronger or well

advanced. At Stage 5 of ERM implementation, there

was also a positive correlation between ERM and

CRO; however, the relationship was not statistically

significant (B = 1.477, p = .090).

Based on the correlational analysis (Table 22),

there was a weak, positive correlation between CRO

and ERM deployment. Correlations were considered

statistically significant at .05. This relationship

shows, as the presence of CROs increased,

organizations demonstrated higher levels of ERM

implementation (based on lower and higher stages).

This indicated that the presence of a CRO in an

organization is linked to an organization having a

better ERM system.

Based on these analyses, this study found a

positive relationship between the level of ERM

deployment and the presence of a CRO. This result

was expected, and was consistent with previous

research (e.g., Baxter, Bedard, Hoitash, & Yezegel,

2013; Beasley et al., 2005; Kleffner et al., 2003;

Liebenberg & Hoyt, 2003; Paape & Speklé, 2012;

Pagach & Warr, 2011; Wan Daud et al., 2010; Waweru

& Kisaka, 2013). These researchers observed a

significant positive relationship between the

presence of a senior management role such as a CRO

or its equivalent and the effective deployment of

organization-wide risk management systems.

The presence, influence, and role of the CRO

are important in the promotion and implementation

of an ERM system (Beasley et al., 2005; Kleffner et

al., 2003; Lam, 1999). The study by Liebenberg and

Hoyt (2003) found that the relationship between

ERM implementation and appointment of a CRO

could be viewed as a strong signal for its use. In

addition, Beasley et al. (2005) in investigating the

relationship between the presence of a CRO and ERM

implementation, found that the presence of a CRO

significantly increased the organization's level of

ERM implementation.

Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions / Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2016, Continued - 1


The AC and ERM Deployment

With the exception of Paape and Speklé (2012) most

of the extant literature reviewed during this study

did not employ the AC as a variable during the

deployment of an ERM systems. This is consistent

with the contingency theory which endorses the view

that there are no universally valid rules of

organizing and management" (Burrell & Morgan,

1979 as noted by Rejc, 2003, p. 246). This does not

look at universal principles applicable in all

situations, but instead purports to explain how one

attribute or characteristic is dependent upon

another (Vecchio as cited by Mullins, 2005).

The analyses further revealed that for stage 2, a

positive correlation existed between the presence of

an AC and ERM deployment. This relation was

however not statistically significant (B = .547, p =

.418). For stage three of ERM implementation, there

was a positive relation between ERM and presence of

an AC, although this relation was not statistically

significant (B = .763, p = .202). Similarly, for stage 4,

there was a positive relation between ERM and

presence of an AC, but this relation was not

statistically significant (B = .130, p = .877). At stage 5

of deployment, a positive relationship was noted

between the presence of an AC and ERM although,

this was not statistically significant (B = 1.323, p =

.173). The data analysis demonstrated a weak

positive correlation between the presence of AC and

ERM implementation. This correlation was

statistically significant. This implied that

organizations with an AC would have better ERM

implementation and performance.

The correlation analysis also found a positive

relationship between the presence of an AC and an

organization's level of ERM implementation. This

outcome was expected and consistent with

observation made by Paape and Speklé (2012). The

present study also found a strong positive

correlation between presence of an AC and CRO ( r =

.519, p < .01). This relationship demonstrated that

the presence of an AC would be higher with the

presence of CRO and vice versa.

TM Support and ERM Deployment

It was observed that for Stage 2, there was a

significant positive relationship between ERM and

TM support level (B = .349, p < .05). At Stage 2 of

ERM deployment, a one-unit increase in TM support

level had a positive impact on ERM by a factor of

1.418. Thus, higher TM support was reflected in an

increase in the level of ERM implemented (for

example Stage 1 vs. Stage 2). At Stage 3 of ERM

implementation, a positive correlation between ERM

and TM support was observed; however, this

relationship was not statistically significant (B =

.175, p = .170). Stage 4 of deployment demonstrated

a positive correlation between ERM and TM support

even though this relation was not statistically

significant (B = .391, p = .064). At Stage 5 of ERM

implementation, there was a positive correlation

between ERM and TM support despite the fact this

relation was not statistically significant (B = .122, p =


The regression analysis also demonstrated a

significant positive relationship between TM support

and ERM implementation. Therefore, as the support

of senior management increases, the quality and

effectiveness of ERM implementation increased. The

study also found positive correlations between TM

support level and the presence of a CRO (r = .263, p

< .01) as well as AC (r = .308, p < .01). These

outcomes suggest that TM support increased with

the presence of a CRO and AC and vice versa. Based

on the findings of the data analysis, the support of

TM and the presence of a CRO and an AC are related

to successful ERM deployment.

Beasley et al. (2005) observed that the existence

of a CRO, managerial involvement, and auditor type

were associated with more advanced stages of ERM

adoption. Lam (1999) noted that the role of TM was

critical for the success of an ERM endeavor, as TM

defines what acceptable risks are and establishes the

needed organizational structures and frameworks

for effective performance. In addition, TMs provide

vision, goals, and strategy for risk management and

models for the desired behaviors (Drew et al., 2006).

In the present study, a majority of the

respondents (n = 65, 48.5%) affirmed the absence of

an integrated risk management system within their

organizations (suggesting risks were assessed and

managed reactively or assessed and preventatively

managed for certain areas of the organization). A

total of 40 respondents (29.9%) indicated their

organizations had planned the deployment of an

ERM system and that certain risks were proactively

assessed and managed. Twenty-nine respondents

(21.7%) indicated their organization had fully

implemented an organizational wide risk

management system (where all strategic, financial,

operational, project, and compliance risks were

proactively assessed and managed). Nearly half of

these respondents (10.5% of the total population, n =

14) noted their organizations were in Stage 5 (the

highest level) of the implementation process, while

the remainder of the respondents (11.2% of the total

study population, n = 15) indicated their

organizations were in Stage 4 of the deployment

process. At stage 5 of deployment, ERM becomes an

integral part of the organization's strategic planning

and control cycle. The low percentage of

organizations in stage 5 (10.5%, n = 14) suggests that

ERM deployment remains immature. This finding is

consistent with observations made by previous

researchers (e.g., Beasley et al., 2005; Paape & Speklé,

2012; Waweru & Kisaka, 2013).

Studying the ERM and organizational oversight

in 2010, Beasley, Branson, and Hancock noted that

28% of respondents indicated their ERM deployment

was effective and efficient, while 60% acknowledged

their systems were under developed and risk

management was unsystematic. Wan Daud, Yazid &

Hussain, (2010) in their study involving publicly

listed Malaysian firms found that 43% of

respondents noted that their organizations had a

complete ERM mechanism in place, 38% indicated

their ERM was partially developed, 5% were planning

to adopt an ERM system, whereas 14% were still

considering adoption options. Paape and Speklé

(2012) found that only 11% of respondents in their

study had fully functional ERM system in place,

another 12.5% were in the implementing process,

23.5% were planning to implement an ERM

mechanism, 38.9% were also considering the

deployment of such a system, and 14% did not have

a robust risk management system. Waweru and

Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions / Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2016, Continued - 1


Kisaka (2013) found that 27% of respondents had

ERM systems in place in their organizations, while

36% had not implemented any ERM. Based on the

findings of other researchers in combination with

the present study's data analysis, it appears as

though organizations have been slow to adopt a

holistic approach to risk assessment and

management. The low adoption rates could indicate

that ERM remains immature a noted earlier (Beasley

et al., 2010; Waweru & Kisaka, 2013). Despite the

fact that ERM is still in the early stages of

development, organizations that have implemented

it are assumed to be managing their risks holistically

and strategically (Kleffner, Lee, & McGannon, 2007).

5.2. Implication of the Study Results

The results of the study revealed that, there was a

significant positive relationship between the

presence of a chief risk officer (CRO) and the

implementation of enterprise risk management

(ERM). The null hypothesis was rejected and the

alternative accepted. This implies that organizations

wanting to improve the efficiency of their risk

management systems need to engage a CRO during

implementation. The key benefit of the presence of a

risk champion is the ability to expand risk

management responsibilities throughout an

organization's leadership structure (De La Rosa,

2007). Such an executive works with other managers

to set up a risk management system and

disseminates risk information throughout the

organization (COSO, 2004; Saeidi, Sofian, Rasid, &

Saeid, 2012). The CRO can also reduce risk-related

information asymmetry between shareholders

(Beasley et al., 2008). As they are ultimately

responsible for uniting all the risk management

activities across the organization, risk officers

reduce the duplication of efforts across the various

sectors within the organization and increase an

organization's efficiency (De La Rosa, 2007).

The regression result and the correlation

analysis suggested there was a positive and

significant relationship between the presence of an

audit committee (AC) and the deployment of an ERM

system; leading to the null hypothesis being rejected

and the alternative accepted. This suggests that the

inclusion of ACs during the implementation of an

entity-wide risk management system is critical. ACs

play critical roles in the oversight of risk

management practices (Livingston, 2005; Paape &

Speklé, 2012). The AC is responsible for issues

related to the relationship between the organization

and its auditors (Taher & Boubaker, 2013). According

to the National Commission on Fraudulent Financial

Reporting, ACs create a platform where directors,

management, and auditors can coordinate issues

pertaining to risk management and financial

reporting (as cited in Turley & Zaman, 2004). The AC

is able to influence the board of directors (BODs) to

ensure that risk management processes are allotted

attention and resources in order to be successful

(Paape & Speklé, 2012). The AC is also instrumental

in promoting CG principles to safeguard public

interest (Szczepankowski, 2012; Vasile & Croitoru,

2013). Menon and Williams argued that the existence

of an AC does not necessarily indicate effectiveness

(as cited in Turley & Zaman, 2004).

In addition, it was observed that there are

positive correlations between support levels of top

management (TM) and the implementation of an

ERM. This implies that the inclusion of TM and

leadership support is instrumental to the successful

deployment of an ERM management system. TM can

influence knowledge sharing and learning through

the creation of appropriate climate, culture, and

resources (Lin, 2007). Lin (2007) further explained

that through knowledge donation and collection, an

organization is able to enhance its innovation

abilities. Effective TM support influences the settin g

of organizational values and encourages the

development of appropriate management styles in

order to enhance the performance of an

organization (Chen & Paulraj, 2004).

Enterprise-wide risk management is strategic

and thus cannot succeed without TM support

(Bowling & Rieger, 2005). Andriole (2009) argued

that in the absence of TM support, opportunities can

be missed and projects can fail. According to Tiller

(2012), strong leadership and management support

creates success for most strategies, and

organizations that satisfy stakeholders and maintain

profitability must promote it. Consequently, TM

must participate in the early stages of implementing

a collaborative risk management system (Bowling &

Rieger, 2005).

TM played a critical role in the success of any

effective risk management system (Beasley et al.,

2008). TM support facilitates the integration of risk

management philosophy and strategy across the

organization. The nature, scope, and impact of

corporate risk management must have strong

support from TM in order to be successful (Walker

et al., 2002). Employees of an organization are likely

to accept and adopt an enterprise wide risk

management system when it is noted that TM and

BODs are supportive and actively involved in the risk

management process (Brown et al., 2009). Hence, for

any collaborative risk management framework to

succeed, it is critical that the entire organization

gets involved.

The research model accounted for 25% of the

relationship between dependent and independent

variables, indicating there could have been other

contingent organizational features or variables of

ERM deployment which were not considered in this

study, an assertion corroborated by Beasley et al.

(2005). However, the model was statistically

significant (Chi-square = 36.63, p < 0.05) to establish

the relationship between the dependent and

independent variables.

Consistent with the contingency theory, this

study found that the presence and role of a CRO, an

AC, and TM support significantly influenced the

deployment of an ERM system. The contingency

theory endorses the view that there are no

universally valid rules of organizing and

management" (Burrell & Morgan, 1979 as noted by

Rejc, 2003, p. 246). The augment is that there was no

single best approach to managing and organizing

(Hanisch & Wald, 2012; Burns & Staker, 1961;

Lawrence & Lorsch, 1967). Howell et al. (2010)

observed that for effectiveness, the various external

challenges that an organization is presented with

requires the application of different organizational

characteristic; and "an optimal fit may require

Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions / Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2016, Continued - 1


different organizational characteristics to suit

different external conditions" (p.257).

The outcome of this study is useful when

assessing factors related to an organization's ERM

deployment. Based on the present research findings

and evidence in the scholarly literature, when

implementing an ERM system, it is important for an

organization to engage a CRO, form an AC, and

enlist the support of TM. By so doing, organizations

can enhance effective risk management and thereby

increase shareholder value (Baxter et al. 2013;

Beasley et al. 2005; Bowling & Rieger, 2005;

Cumming & Hirtle, 2001; Lam, 2001). These

measures also allow organizations to deploy

systems that can better facilitate a well-coordinated

and consistent approach to managing risk, thereby

increasing productivity and profitability (Bowling &

Rieger, 2005; Kleffner et al., 2003; Nocco & Stulz,

2006). With a consolidated mechanism in place, a

comprehensive approach to risk management in

alignment with the organization's strategy, can be

realized (Liebenberg & Hoyt, 2003; Stroh, 2005).

Previous studies have only examined

organizations with ERM or drawn samples

exclusively from publicly traded firms. The present

study, however, expanded the research sample to

include professionals from various sectors of

finance, manufacturing, IT and telecommunication,

insurance, business services, transport and logistics,

government or non-profit, healthcare, and energy/oil

and gas industries in North America. In terms of

industry type, this study found that organizations in

the financial, banking, insurance, and educational

sectors had better developed ERM programs in place.

This observation was consistent with previous

findings of Beasley et al. (2005) and Paape and

Speklé (2012). The study also noted that

organizations in the manufacturing, healthcare,

automotive, government, not for profit, engineering,

utilities, energy/oil & gas and utilities also had ERM

systems in place.

5.3. Limitations

There were several limitations with this study. The

reluctance of firms to disclose information about

their risk management strategies makes it difficult

to locate organizations implementing enterprise risk

management (ERM). As a result, there could be

crucial organizational features of ERM deployment

that might not have been considered in this study

(Beasley et al., 2005). Some of these variables may

have impacted the outcome of this study.

Secondly, given that the model was statistically

significant to establish the relationship between the

variables used in the study (Chi-square = 36.63, p <

.05), although the results of the detailed statistical

analysis indicated the model could explain 25% of

the relationship between dependent and

independent variables. The remaining 75% could be

the contributions of other variables not considered

in this study. These could include those mentioned

in the literature such as BOD independence,

presence of auditors, entity size, and type of

industry (Beasley, 2005); compliance issues (Bowling,

2005); organizational leverage, profitability,

turnover, internal diversification, and shareholders

(Yazid, Razali, & Hussin, 2012); presence of more

volatile cash flow, and riskier stock returns (Pagach

& Warr, 2011); regulatory environment, internal

factors, ownership structure, and organizational and

industry-related characteristics (Paape & Speklé,

2012); the diversified nature of the organization, and

the returns on stock volatility (Eckles et al., 2014).

Such a wide range of potential factors suggest the

level of strategic risk management implementation

in an organization is affected by several contingent


The levels of ERM implementation in

participants' organizations were self-reported, which

may not have accurately reflected the reality of the

ERM maturity level. Similarly, the effectiveness of

organizational risk management systems were self-

reported and based on participants' perceived

judgment, which could potentially led to the

introduction of bias resulting from inaccurate

observations. Also, some participants were not

directly involved in the ERM deployment, and as a

result, they may have lacked first-hand knowledge of

the entire process (Beasley et al., 2005).

In addition, the research method may not have

been able to account for the complexities related to

an organizational risk management implementation

process. The study assumed that survey data would

be obtained from individuals involved in managing

risk and that there would be a sufficient number of

participants who were involved in and

knowledgeable of enterprise risk management.

Unfortunately, 20.9% of the participants (n = 28)

worked in organizations that had no such systems in

place while 27.6% of participants (n = 37) worked in

organizations considering ERM implementation.

5.4. Recommendations for Further Research

The results of this research have implications for

practice and future research in the field of risk

management. To better understand the factors that

influence the deployment of an integrated risk

management system, it is suggested that the

influence of organizational structure on the

effectiveness of risk management be investigated.

Similarly, the ability of a holistic risk management

system to effectively manage organizational risk

should be investigated. In relating risk to

organizational structure, it is recommended that

further research should assess how organizational

hierarchy impacts ERM implementation.

In addition, through the use of contingency

theory, further research should investigate whether

additional factors such as board independence, firm

size, ownership structure, growth rate, regulation,

industry type, corporate governance, effective

communication, and organization risk culture could

impact the effective implementation of

organizational wide risk management. Although, this

study did not directly explore the role of ERM in

value creation, it's suggested that the impact of the

various level of deployment and their related

contributions towards value creation be explored.

Such a study could potentially elucidate if any, and

how a collaborative approach to risk management

influences stakeholder value creation (Kraus et al.,

2012). Finally, an experimental research approach

could be used to establish a possible cause and

effect relationship between variables.

Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions / Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2016, Continued - 1


5.5. Conclusion

This study extends emerging research on enterprise

risk management by examining organizational

factors (such as the role of a Chief Risk Officer

(CRO), the role of an Audit Committee (AC), and Top

Management (TM) support) associated with its

implementation. The major findings indicated a

positive and significant relationship between the

deployment of an ERM system and the presence of; a

CRO, an AC, and TM support. An indication that the

presence and role of a CRO, AC, and TM support

influenced the deployment of an enterprise wide

risk management system. In addition, the study

found that as TM support increased so did the

presence of the CRO, and AC and vice versa.

Moreover, there was a strong positive correlation

between the presence of a CRO and an AC,

suggesting that organizations with a CRO were more

likely to also have an AC and vice versa.

Although the extant literature presents ERM as

an effective risk management mechanism, this study

noted a minority of respondents (n = 14, 10.5%) as

having a fully developed ERM tool in place. These

findings indicate that ERM is still in the

developmental stages, which corroborates earlier

studies. In addition, the findings suggest

organizational risk management requires more

advancement (Paape & Speklé, 2012).

The study findings are important for decision

makers in organizations implementing strategic risk

management, as they suggest that organizations

need to engage a CRO, an AC, and enlist the support

of TM in the deployment of effective risk

management policies and mechanisms. For

organizations to harness the potential benefits of

implementing ERM, a CRO and an AC should be in

place and TM support should be high. This study

adds to the body of knowledge by suggesting that

the implementation of an ERM system is not only

limited to the financial or insurance industries but

also extends to various sectors such as; education,

business services, government, manufacturing, legal,

not for profit, engineering, utilities, energy/oil & gas

and healthcare.


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... According to Beasley et al. (2005), the existence of a CRO constitutes a highly significant determinant for an existing ERM system. Other studies note that there is a significant relationship between the presence of a CRO and the level of ERM implementation (Godson and Werner, 2016). Hence, this study hypothesizes that: ...

... The positive and significant coefficient for CRO suggests that the presence of a CRO is positively associated with the extent of ERM implementation. This finding supports other works (Beasley et al., 2005;Godson and Werner, 2016), suggesting that the presence of a CRO among the senior management team significantly increases the entity's stage of ERM deployment. Liebenberg and Hoyt (2003, p. 43) argued that if companies fail to hire a CRO, it does not mean the companies do not have an ERM program in place. ...

Purpose Enterprise risk management (ERM) has become an important subject of increasing interest among companies throughout the world. It is gaining global attention among risk management professionals and academics. However, little is known about the extent of ERM implementation in the Tunisian context. More importantly, there are limited studies in literature that examine the determinants of this implementation. The purpose of this study is threefold 1) to propose an index to measure the level of ERM implementation, 2) to examine the level of ERM implementation in Tunisian companies and 3) to propose a conceptual framework for the determinants of this implementation. From the review of literature, several factors are found to be determinants of ERM implementation. Such factors are the presence of a Chief Risk Officer, the appointment of an internal auditor, the type of industry and the firm size. Design/methodology/approach To further understand the relation between ERM implementation and its determinants, a questionnaire survey was conducted in 2016 and administrated to 80 companies. Respondents were CRO and more often internal auditors or financial directors. Other data were collected from annual reports and notes to the financial statements. Along with this, the ordinal regression was applied to test the dependence between ERM implementation and its determinants. Findings Based on the data gathered, Tunisian companies have shown an increasing interest in risk management in the post-revolution context, however, an integrated approach of ERM implementation is still at an early stage. Descriptive statistics suggest that ERM is essentially developed in financial institutions especially in banks and some large companies operating in non- financial industries. With regard to the multivariate regression results, the level of ERM implementation is positively related to the presence of a Chief Risk Officer, internal auditor, the type of industry and the firm size. Originality/value This study attempts to contribute to the risk management literature in two ways. Conceptually, this study proposes an ERM index to assess the level of ERM implementation. Empirically, it provides some empirical evidence that highlights factors which determine the level of ERM implementation. Therefore, this study will extend the scope of literature by providing novel empirical evidence by exploring the Tunisian context.

... Gordon, Loeb, and Tseng [11] indicated that five factors affect a firm's value: environmental uncertainty, industry competition, firm size, firm complexity, and board of directors' monitoring. Furthermore, Mensah and Gottwald [12] also presented that they found a significant relationship between the role of a CRO and an audit committee and the support of top management in relation to the implementation of ERM. Moreover, Wu and Li [13] explored the influence of changing the proportion of outsider directors on corporate governance in China, finding that the level of board independence is positively associated with firm performance. ...

  • Chien-Ming Huang
  • Wei Yang
  • Ren-Qing Zeng

Since a firm's profitability is associated with a degree of risk taking, risk indicators have been extensively treated as exogenous variables and affected firm performance. The level of risk taking should be determined through internal control quality and firm-specific characteristics to effectively understand the relationship between risk management and firm performance. This study aims to investigate the effects of risk management efficiency on the production efficiency of Chinese listed companies from 2002 to 2016 using the two-step data envelopment analysis (DEA) approach. Empirical results indicate that risk management differs from traditional financial theory, which means that high-level risk would earn high expected returns. Firms with a low efficiency index of enterprises risk management will have low performance. In particular, internal controls were significantly improved after the 2008 financial crisis. Our overall results also suggest that information asymmetry is still a problem in financial markets. To achieve maximum benefits for shareholders and improve the quality of information disclosure, methods for enacting market regulations are still very important issues in China.

... Previous research (Kovaitė & Stankevičienė, 2019) identified six areas of risk, which proposed two particular risk areas, relevant for implementation of Industry 4.0 -acceptance by staff, and competence, which is closely related to the human factor. The former refers to the habits of organising work during times of uncertainty and relates to organisational culture, social skills and the human factor (Maarit Lipiäinen, et al, 2014; Reim, et al, 2016;Mensah & Gottwald, 2016). The latter refers to organisational structure, responsibilities, structure, procedures and the qualifications of personnel, as well as the knowledge base and know-how (Jacobsson, et al, 2016;Karimi & Walter, 2016). ...

Industry 4.0 describes a phenomenon which augments business models and also communication channels in commercial enterprises. This paper analyses scientific publications related to the business model changes driven by Industry 4.0, and also digital internal communication channels used to reduce risks in the process. The paper is based upon a systematic review of scientific publications and evaluation by experts. The research revealed a gap between internal communication through digital channels and the change process in Industry 4.0-driven business models. Each channel has its mission and contributes to reducing risk during the change process. Since there is no universal digital channel for internal communication, different digital communication channels are efficient at different stages of change. The paper makes recommendations for enterprises, related to the effectiveness of digital communication channels during the business model transformation. It further contributes to existing knowledge by expanding the change process model and aligning the change process with features of digital communication channels. The research focused on the manufacturing sector, exploring digital communication channels used to reduce risk during the change process, which is a limitation of this study, along with assumption of a basic level of digital competences in the enterprise.

... Mohamed Metwally, Ali, Diab, and Hussainey (2019) reviewed risk management and its relationship to management accounting and control and argued that an illusion of control led to some unintended consequences. Mensah and Gottwald (2016) surveyed 134 risk management professionals and found a significant relationship between the role of a chief risk officer, the presence of an audit committee, and the support of top management and the level of ERM deployment. Grove and Clouse (2016) developed a risk management approach, using financial fraud prediction models and ratios, for a strategy of international investing with improved corporate governance. ...

Artificial intelligence (AI) has moved from theory into the global marketplace. The United Nations World Intellectual Property Organization released the first report of its Technology Trends series on January 31, 2019. It considered more than 340,000 AI-related patent applications over the last 70 years. 50 percent of all AI patents have been published in just the last five years. The challenges, potential risks, and opportunities for business and corporate governance from emerging technologies, especially artificial intelligence, have been summarized as whereby machines and software can analyze, optimize, prophesize, customize, digitize and automate just about any job in every industry. Boards of directors and executives need to recognize and understand the new risks associated with these emerging technologies and related reputational risks. The major research question of this paper is how boards of directors and executives can deal with both risk challenges and opportunities to strengthen corporate governance. Accordingly, the following sections of this paper discuss key risk management issues: deep shift risks, global risks, digital risks and opportunities, AI initiatives risks, business risks from millennials, business reputational risks, and conclusions.

... influence of top management support on ERM (e g., Barton et al., 2002;Dabari & Saidin, 2014;Mensah & Gottwald, 2015) and found a positive effect on ERM. Hence, this study introduced a relatively new variable namely; top management stress. ...

The Malaysian listed companies are still struggling to maintain their enterprise risk management (ERM) system efficiently due to improper implementation problems of risk management practices. Therefore, the prime objective of this study is to reveal the audit effectiveness in mitigation of risk management implementation (RMI) problem and to examine the effect on financial performance. To achieve this objective, three hundred (300) questionnaires were distributed among the managerial employees of Malaysia listed firms by using simple random sampling. Data were analyzed by using SmartPLS 3. It is found that external audit effectiveness (EAE) and internal audit effectiveness (IAE) has a significant positive relationship with an ERM system. However, top management stress has a significant negative relationship with RMI. Additionally, ERM system has positive effect on financial performance of companies.It is also found that level of RMI playing a mediating role. Thus, this study is contributed in the body of knowledge by highlighting the vital factors to mitigate the crucial problem of RMI, particularly in Malaysian firms. Hence, the current study is quite beneficial for practitioners to implement ERM system effectively. Keywords: Enterprise risk management, internal audit, external audit, top management stress, implementation.

... The second approach, or Integrated Risk Management (IRM), encompasses all risks in a strategic and coordinated framework (Nocco and Stulz, 2006). Using this approach, management can manage uncertainty and assess how risks and opportunities in a company can create, destroy or preserve the value of the business (Fabozzi and Drake, 2009; Maingot et al., 2012;Mensah and Gottwald, 2016). Despite recent increased risk research on the Canadian and international scene, there are few research studies that specifically address the relation between corporate governance systems and risk management practices. ...

  • Raef Gouiaa Raef Gouiaa

Despite recent increased risk research attention being focussed on the Canadian and international scene, there are few research studies that specifically address the relation between corporate governance systems and risk management practices. This paper examines the relation between corporate governance systems and enterprise risk management. More specifically, we analyze how corporate governance attributes and particularly board characteristics can affect risk management practices in the context of Canadian listed companies. Using a content analysis approach, the level of exposure to risk in terms of likelihood, the consequences of such risk and the strategies for managing that risk were identified for each type of risk. The results reveal that corporate governance attributes related to board's structure, directors' characteristics and the board's operating process play a significant and important role in establishing an integrative risk management approach. The results show that directors' characteristics and the board's process significantly determine the quality of risk management through the level of risk-taking in decisions, especially in terms of financial risks.

The present research aimed to identify which critical success factors have the most influence on the implementation of Enterprise Risk Management – ERM, taking into consideration the important mission to ensure the survival, growth, and perpetuity of businesses in an environment with strong technology integration, global competition, and political, cultural, and economic contexts. To achieve this objective, a systematic and structured literature review was conducted, making it possible to identify 10 critical success factors for ERM initiatives that were analyzed and detailed, based on the literature findings and consultation with experts.

  • Shab Hundal Shab Hundal

The current study is based on review of literature to analyses how independence, expertise and experience of audit committees can influence the quality of financial reporting. After studying a vast and diverse range of literature pertaining to the audit committees and governance issues, it has been possible through this study to demonstrate several aspects of independence of audit committee, for example, informativeness, CEO's power, frequency of meetings, substitutability and complementarity with alternative corporate governance mechanisms, directors' share ownership, earning management etc. Similarly a wide range of literature based on utility of financial and accounting knowhow and experience of audit committee members has been reviewed. An attempt is made to establish association litigation risk that the firm faces and market reaction, to the firm's appointment of audit committee members with accounting and financial expertise and experience. This study also includes the various aspects of audit committee in India * , based on regulations, corporate governance reforms and limited number of empirical research findings. Lack of independence, expertise and experience of audit committees have rendered them less effective in performing their oversight functions. The Companies Bill (2009), a major governance reform, has not become an Act as it is delayed due to political apathy, and at the same time some interim reforms have eroded the independence of audit committees even further. There is ad-hocism and vagueness in reference to corporate governance reforms in general and auditing process in particular. There are very few empirical studies undertaken so far that assess the various aspects of the audit committees in India. * This paper is a part of my doctoral project based on corporate governance in India 2 Research Contributions: This study is an effort to systematically arrange a diverse range of studies covering multiple aspects of independence, expertise and experience of the audit committees of the publicly traded companies. This is one of the very few review of literature based studies of audit committees in the Indian context.

The purpose of this research study is to explore the impact of select demographic variables on Human Resource Development (HRD) in Life Insurance Corporation of India. The study falls into a descriptive framework based on cross sectional design. It is confined to only eight constructs of human resource development (HRD) i.e., performance appraisal, autonomy, polyvalence, technological advancement, opportunity for job training, chance of professional growth, initiative for higher education and human resource politic. The sample included 360 respondents from Varanasi Division of LIC of India using stratified random sampling technique. All the eight variables of HRD are tested with eleven demographic features of employees through multinomial regression analysis technique (MLR).The results revealed that three demographic variables have statistically significant impact on human resource development i.e., education level (.002 <0.05), work experience (.000 <0.001) and Branch Location (.033 <0.05). Further, the remaining eight demographic variables (districts, gender, age, marital status, designation, monthly income, residential background and earner size) have not approved any significant effect on Human Resource Development practices as significance value is more than 5% level of significance. (P>0.05). The Pseudo R 2 values shows that 67.4% of variation on human resource development is explained by eleven identified demographic variables and are statistically significant at 1% level. It can be concluded that the study has important implications for HRD practitioners, trainees and managers of life insurance industry. As it provide insight on how life insurance industry could design the best HRD policy and programmes by linking with individual demographic features.

Enterprise risk management (ERM) is the process of analyzing the portfolio of risks facing the enterprise to ensure that the combined effect of such risks is within an acceptable tolerance. While more firms are adopting ERM, little academic research exists about the costs and benefits of ERM. Proponents of ERM claim that ERM is designed to enhance shareholder value; however, portfolio theory suggests that costly ERM implementation would be unwelcome by shareholders who can use less costly diversification to eliminate idiosyncratic risk. This study examines equity market reactions to announcements of appointments of senior executive officers overseeing the enterprise's risk management processes. Based on a sample of 120 announcements from 1992-2003, we find that the univariate average two-day market response is not significant, suggesting that a general definitive statement about the benefit or cost of implementing ERM is not possible. However, our multiple regression analysis reveals that there are significant relations between the magnitude of equity market returns and certain firm specific characteristics. For nonfinancial firms, announcement period returns are positively associated with firm size and the volatility of prior periods' reported earnings and negatively associated with leverage and the extent of cash on hand relative to liabilities. For financial firms, however, there are fewer statistical associations between announcement returns and firm characteristics. These results suggest that the costs and benefits of ERM are firm-specific.